Grease Part 1

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Chapter 10
(5 months later)
Rachels pov:
It's been 5 months since I last saw Finn and I haven't talked to him since. Mr.Shue called me asking if I could come to Lima to help out the lea Marley play Sandy in Grease.  I walked into the choir a place I haven't been since Finn left. I walked in and saw Mr.Shue at the piano.

"Hi Mr.Shue." I said.

He turned around and his face lit up.

"Rachel!" He said and gave me a big hug.

I smiled and said,

"How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm great , I can't believe you're here it's been too long." He said.

"Yeah it has." I said.

"How are you?" He asked concerned.

"I'm .... well I'm me." I said.

"I see." He said.

"But more importantly how are you? I hear you and Ms.Pilsberry are finally deciding to pull the knot." I said.

"Where'd  you here that?" He asked.

"Kurt tells me everything." I said.

"I see , well yes it's true we are finally making it offical. I can't tell you how great it is to finally find my person." He said.

"Do you think we can have more then one person?" I asked him.

"Yeah I mean I used to think Terri was the one and then the more I realized I saw her I saw her true colors but then I met Emma and she helped me find out who I was again." He said.

I nodded and said,

"I used to think Finn was my person but then after we lost the baby we never completely went back to being ourselves." I said.

"You know you and Finn both went through a lot but the difference between you and him and my marriage with Terri is that you always excepted eachother for who you are , flaws and all." He said.

"I'm seeing Brody now though." I said.

"Thats okay sometimes we have to lose ourselves to find out who we truly are." He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"You're welcome, come on I'll introduce you to Marley." He said and we left to the auditorium.

"Okay everyone , gather around." Mr.Shuester said.

Everyone gathered around and he continued,

"This is the lovely and talented Rachel Berry. Rachel is here to help everyone with the show she will help you with the music and singing and I expect everyone to take her words of wisdom in and do what she says. So Rachel , I'll hand it over to you." He said.

I smiled as I looked around and said,

"Hi everyone, I just wanted to thank Mr.Shuester for asking me to help out.  Now I know you're all nervous but I also know that you are all capable of doing it. So we'll start with vocal warm up and then I want to see everyone individually to talk about your character, starting with Sandy. Okay lets start." I said .

We started with simple vocal warm ups and then I saw him and by him I meant Finn.

"Okay everyone keep going." I said and I walked away to see Finn.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." He said.

"Hows Bear?" I asked him.

"He's great, you should come see him sometime." He told me.

"I'll have to do that." I said.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"I'm good " I said lying. "What about you?" I asked him

"I'm good." He said.

"Good." I said feeling awkward.

"Yeah." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well I should go." He said.

"Yeah I should go too." I said and we went back to our work.

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