Four Little Kicks

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Chapter 22
(2 months later)
Finns pov:
Rachel is now 5 months pregnant with twins and we are so excited . We decided to keep the sex a secret till she gives birth but we're so excited. Rachel is growing so fast and with the wedding and all I don't want her to stress out. I was in bed with Rachel as she was reading a book .

"Oh gosh!" She said holding her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked her nervously.

"No I'm fine it was the babies here feel." She said and put my hand on her stomach.

I felt the little kicks and smiled,

"Awe they're kicking." I said.

"And really hard too. Oh my goodness." She said.

"Well they are my kids." I said and we smiled.

She looked at me and said,

"I love you."

I smiled and kissed her ,

"I love you too."

I then looked at her stomach and kissed it.

"I love you too babies." And she smiled.

Hey so I just came out with a new finchel book called Secrets so please check it out.


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