When It Comes To You

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Chapter 6
(2 years ago)
Rachels pov:
Dear Finn,
It's been 2 years since you left and I miss you like crazy. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you. Everytime I look up at the sky I wonder where you are, if you're okay. I miss you, I miss you more than you know. I know we both said things we didn't mean but when it comes to you , I am still that girl that you saved that day on the roof. I love you Finn and I know deep down one day that you'll find your way back to me. We are endgame Finn Hudson and don't you forget that.
Forever yours faithfully,

I put down my pen and put the letter in an envelope and locked it in my desk.
"We are endgame." I kept reading that phrase on the letter. If I sent to him what would've happened? I kept asking myself. I put it away and got up to see Finn and Kurt in the living room. I smiled and then went back into my room.

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