Chapter 16

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I wake up and look at the clock... Ugh 5pm. At least I'm in Wesley's arms.

WESLEY'S ARMS! Oh my god. I just remember before I fell asleep he told me he loves me. I don't think he knew I was awake. Should I tell him I heard him... No. And I don't know if I love him back. Yea I really like Wes but I'm only 16! I don't know what love is. I'm not ready to tell Someone I love them. Ill just pretend I didn't hear it.


Lily starts moving in my arms so I wake up.

"Hey beautiful."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"No it's fine. As long as I'm waking up next to you."

She giggles and gives me that smile I love. But it fades. She sits up and looks down at her hands playing with her fingers.

"What's wrong?"

"You should go look for Keaton." She says nervously.

Honestly, I know this is sad to say but I totally forgot about that. I feel bad I feel like I've been such a dick to him lately. He's my little brother and I love him.

"Yea, um... Do you know where he might have went?"

She shook her head. She won't make eye contact with me.

"Babe? What happened between you two?"

She bit her lip and tears started falling down her face.

I pulled her on to my lap and held her tightly.

"Shhh. It's fine I'm gonna go look for him."

She nodded her head. She laid back down in her bed and I covered her with a blanket and kissed her in the head.

As I walked out of her room I closed her door slowly. I walked down the stairs, out the door, and to my car.

I'm driving down the streets and I'm trying to think where he could be. It's really bothering me how Lily won't tell me what happened, and she seems really upset about it.

I was passing by this old alley where I used to buy weed from. I can't believe I'm doing this. I pull over the car and park it then get out and walk over to a crowd of guys.

"Yo! Look Stromberg is back! Now we've got both them here!" One of them said. I never really bothered to learn their nam- Wait did he just say both of them. Oh no.

I walk over closer to the group only to find a stoned Keaton. Well isn't this just fantastic.


"Huh?" He barely says.

"Stromberg lighten up. Come on. Take some." One of them says to me handing me a bag.

I turn away and grab Keaton's arm and pull him to the car. I shove in the back seat and he falls asleep as I'm driving home.

When I pull up to the house I grab Keaton and drag him into the house.

When I walk in Drew was on the couch watch TV.

"Is mom home?"

"Nope" he answers not looking away from the TV.

"Guess where I found this one." I say gesturing to Keaton laying in the middle of the floor.

He turns off the TV and looks at him.

"No way." He says

"Yes way." Keaton mumbles picking him self up of the ground. He's clearly still high.

"Do you know how much trouble your in?!"

"No. How much trouble mom." He says sarcastically.

"You have no idea how worried everyone was!" Drew yells.

"Why did you do it?"

"You really don't get it do you?" He says laughing, "You stole her from me. And that's pretty fucked up considering your my brother. I would have never done that to you. I guess that's what makes me the better brother. But I mean your a lucky dude she is a greeeaaat kisser. And I would know considering she's kissed ME more then a dozen times. Not including while you two were dating."

My blood is boiling and its taking me every muscle in my body not to punch him. I can tell Drew us keeping a close eye on me.

"I can only imagine what she's like in bed. But hey, maybe I'll find out next week." He says with a smirk.

I don't remember what happened after that all I know is I'm on top of Keaton. My knuckles are bruised. Keaton has blood everywhere on his face and unconscious. And Drew is yelling at me pulling me off of him.

What did I do to my little brother?

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