Chapter 23

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"Wesley are you ok?" I hear her voice say.

Great now I'm hearing her voice. This is so hard. Not being with her. Her not knowing how much I care about her. How much she cares about me. I feel the warm tears fall down my face.

"Wesley?" I hear her voice again.

"Ugh get out if my head!"

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see the face I've been wanting to see.

"You're really here?"

She laughs and gives me that amazing smile. "Yea I'm here."

I couldn't help but collapse in her arms and start crying again. She tries to calm me down.

"Shhh its ok." He says holding me tighter.

I break away for the hug. She's been crying too. I wipe away her tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"I don't know." she says wiping away my tears.

We sat in silence for a little just staring at each other. I thought I saw her lean forward but I should have known she didn't then me being me I close the space between our lips anyway.

I've missed this so much her smooth lips that fit perfectly with mine. It would have been even better.... If she was kissing back.

I pull away instantly only to see her completely shocked.

"I'm so sorry I just... It's a habit..."

"It's um fine." She says getting up and walking to the door, "It's my fault I should have um... I'm sorry... Bye."

Ugh! I'm such an idiot!


I can't believe he just kissed me. But I can't blame him it was my fault I just probably triggered memories or something. Or he was just being a disgusting pig. But I doubt it. The way he just broke down like that. He probably just misses me. I can't even imagine how he's feeling right now. I wonder how close we were? I wish I could remember just to make his pain go away.

I walk down the steps of his house and see Keaton sitting on the couch in the living room. I walk over to the couch and sit next to him.

"He loves me. Doesn't he?"

He nods.

"Did I love him?"

He nods.

"I'm a terrible person Keaton."

"Don't say that. Your actually the coolest girl I've ever known." He says laughing trying to make me feel better.

"Keaton... Do you know why I did it? Why I tried to kill myself?"

His breath hitches and his eyes widen.

"Don't act surprised. I know I must have told you."

"Yea I know it's just I didn't think you would remember." He says quietly.

"So... Why did I do it?"

"Lily I can't-" he says slowly.


"It was my fault." I hear Wesley say from behind me.

I turn around to see him looking down at the ground.


"Stop Wes." Keaton says.

"NO! She deserves to know." Wesley says.

"You need to leave." Keaton says to me.


"No she isn't leaving until she knows why she tried to kill herself." Wes says.

Then Drew walks in the door.

"Drew you need to get him out of here." Keaton says.

Drew didn't even hesitate. He took Wesley up stairs. While he kept crying 'it's all my fault'.

Why would it be his fault? Why did I try to kill myself?

"What was he talking about?"

"Nothing but you really need to go." He says pushing me to the door.

"Keaton? Why do you keep trying to get me to leave?"

He sighs, "You just can't be here."


"Ok I'm going to tell you but you have to stay away from Wes for awhile after I tell you. Got it?" He says

"Got it."

"Wes isn't supposed to be making any contact with you because he's going through depression. After he found out you didn't remember him. He became an emotional wreck. Stopped eating. Stopped sleeping. Stopped talking. This was the first time he's come out of his room since that day. He's been going to a therapist and he said that he shouldn't be near you in order for him to get better. Then once he's better you guys can talk again."

"Wait. Aren't you guys going on tour or something?"

"You remember!" He says.

"No Jackie told me."

"Oh. Well we were supposed to leave at the end of September but he should be better by the end of November so were delaying the tour until after Wes' birthday which is in December." He says.

"Ok. Well I guess I should leave then."

"Bye Lily. And you know you can still hang out with me... or you know Drew." He says playing with his fingers.

I couldn't help but smile. "Yea. Thanks Keaton." I say walking out the door. "And could you just tell Wes that I'm sorry... For everything."

"Yea." He says closing the door.

As I'm riding my board back home in the dark I think over the events that just happened.

Why would Wes say that me trying to kill myself was his fault? I thought we were in love? I wish someone would just tell me.

When I climb through my window Jackie was already in my room waiting for me.

"Where were you!" She whisper yells.

"Um at the Strombergs."

"Uh ok. Well let's get started before mom and dad come in to check on you." She says.

I nod my head.

"Lily? Can I ask you something?"

"Yea. Go ahead ill try to answer I guess."

"Now you have to answer me truthfully. Ok?" She says slowly.

"Yes now ask me!"

"Before the crash... Do you remember the person that you had feelings for?"

Oh no I knew this question was gonna come up sooner or later.

I sigh "Yea."

"Can you tell me who it was?" She asks.

I take a deep breath in.

"It was Keaton."

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