Chapter 14

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"I-I can't breath a-are you kidding me or something?" I say breathlessly.

"I'm so sorry Lily it was the night that um we got into that fight I was um going to tell you then it must have just slipped my mind." Wes says.

"How the hell does something as big as that slip your mind!" I yell. "I'm sorry I don't mean to yell its just I-I'm shocked... Not shocked in a bad way just shocked, surprised."

Drew and Keaton were laughing the whole time but honestly I don't see what's so funny about this.

"And what the hell are you two laughing at!?"

Drew finally calms down and so does Keaton, "Your face was priceless!" They both start laughing again.

Wesley looked really disappointed in himself and it kind of made me feel bad.

So I crawled over to him and sat on his lap with my legs straddling him. He was looking down so I took my hand and tilted his chin up. He looked at me dead in the eyes and I kissed him. I noticed as we were kissing the laughing had stopped, I don't even know if they're still in the room.

Just as Wes slid his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance Drew cleared his throat... AGAIN... And we pulled away.

"Sorry don't mean to be interrupting, but my friend Keaton here seems to be getting a little uncomfortable."

Keaton's face turned bright red, he tried to hide it by covering his face with his hands but I already saw it.

"You know what Keats we're gonna do something tonight, just me and you." I said trying to comfort him.

I felt Wes tense up when I said it. So I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Keaton took his face out of his hands "Really? That sounds fun!"

It was cute its like he's a little kid on Christmas morning. I never thought I could make someone happy just by hanging out with them.

"Yea why not."

I stand up from the couch and hold my hand out for Keaton to grab. I pull him off if the couch and I grab my phone and my wallet then we walk over to the door.

"Bye babe. Bye Drew. Well be back at nine."

"Bye. Oh and remember... Use protection." Drew yells back to me.

"Seriously sometimes he can be such a douche." Keaton says annoyed.

I can't imagine what Wesley did to him when we left. As we were walking to my car I sent Drew a text.





I put my phone back into my pocket, and I drive over to the pier.


We get to the pier around seven which is good I have two hours with Lily.

I'm not trying to take her from my brother. I would never do that. It's just I've never felt like this before about a girl and don't want Lily to get hurt, and I'm scared Wes might do that.

We're eating frozen yoghurt which I know is her favorite and she seems like something is bothering her.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Lily. I know this sounds stupid but I miss hanging out with you."

"No problem Keaton and that didn't sound stupid it was sweet." She said with a smile, but it wasn't her real smile.

"Ok what's bothering you?"

She sighs "Nothing's bothering me its just..."

"You can tell me."

"I know I-" "Did you ever do something and then you didn't like it then something else gave you a chance to redo it but you didn't take that chance and then you really regretted it." She said really fast.

"Honestly I have no idea what you just said."

She laughed. Ugh! How is her laugh so amazing?

"Come on let's go on the Ferris wheel." She squeals.

I couldn't help but laugh. Damn she's cute.

We got on to the Ferris wheel and of course we get stuck at the top.

"Yay! I love this." she claps her hands.

"You love this? But what if we get stuck up here forever? No water, no electricity, no food, no cats! I don't know what I would do without Zuni!" I say dramatically.

We stare at each other blankly. Then we start cracking up laughing. I laughed so hard I couldn't breath.

We calmed down after a little while.

"Wow we've been up here for a pretty long time." She says looking out at the ocean.

"Do you ever get scared?" Shit why did I say that?

"What? Being stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel?"

"No I mean with Wes" oh god why did I just say THAT.

"Keaton what are you talking about?"

"Come on Lily I know you know that Wes was a player. Don't you ever worry?" Seriously Keaton shut up!

"Yea 'WAS' is the key word. I can't believe you're saying this!"

"But he did it before what makes you think he won't do it to you." I can't believe the words that just came out of my mouth.

Tears were forming in her eyes. And the Ferris wheel finally started up again.

"Lily I'm sorry I didn't mean to say th-"

"Save it" she says getting off the ride.

I follow her to her car and I get into the passengers seat. Well this is going to be and awkward ride home...

We're about half way home and I don't want her going home angry.

"Lily I'm sorry I didn't mea-"

"Please don't get me mad. I get nervous when I drive mad."

I didn't talk to her the rest of the way home.

We finally get to her house and I follow her up to the house.

"Please Lily I didn't mean that. It's just you know that I care about you. And I'm terrified because I don't want you to get hurt."

She didn't move a muscle and she didn't speak. She just stared at her front door of her house.

I sighed "Fine, Goodnight."

I turned around then I felt her grab my arm and pull me towards her. Her lips crashed into mine and she kissed me roughly. I know it's bad but I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. I pressed her up against the door and she tangled her fingers in my hair. It felt so- no no this is wrong she's going to regret it.

I pulled away and as soon as I did she looked at me and began to cry. She ran into her house with out saying goodbye.

Does she regret it? Of course she regrets. But then why did she do it?

Does she feel the same way I feel about her?

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