Chapter 29

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August 26

•Dear Memory•

Life seems really confusing right now. I haven't seen Jackie since she ran out of the house and Keaton says he hasn't heard from Drew... don't know what's going on there.

Wes got out of the hospital two days ago. I still don't know why I said he was my boyfriend, or why I told him I love him! but I feel terrible about it.

And the whole Keaton thing. Are we dating? We had a 20 minute make out session the other day and we're acting as if it never happened.

Sometimes I wish I remembered... Everything.

•end of diary•

"Lily! dinner is ready!" my mom yells from downstairs.

I put on my pink fuzzy slippers, then run down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen, I look at the table. Only three plates... of coarse. Why would my sister be home eating with her family.

I grabbed forks and knives from the drawer, placed them on the table and sat down in a chair, not long before my mom and dad joined me.

"So you and Keaton?" my mom starts, "He's cute."

"I don't know." I say quietly.

"Your not hanging around that Wesley kid are you?" my dad says cutting into his steak.

"Honey..." my mom says sternly to my dad.

"What? I just think he's bad news."

Oh. my. god. just shut up.

"Where's Jackie?"

My parents look at each other. Clearly not wanting to tell me the answer.

"So you know where she is?"

I don't get an answer.

"Just tell me!" I say louder then anticipated, which shocks my parents.

"Your sister is um... she's uh." my mom tries to stall.

"I'm right here." Jackie says walking into the kitchen.

Her eyes are red and puffy. She looks like she's been crying for days.

I look at my parents my mother is looking at her food and my dad's expression has changed he looks almost... angry.

"Where have you been?" I ask my sister as she sits in the empty chair next to me.

Before she could answer my dad interrupted, "Lily, I don't want you anywhere near Wesley."

Well that was out of no where.

He continues, "I really don't think it's good for you to be hanging out with Keaton either."

"Jack-" I cut my mother off.

"How would you know what's good for me! You left for months to go to Italy! You didn't even call! But you know what? Those were the happiest months of my life!" Once I'm done my rant they're all staring at me shocked.

I'm shocked. What did I just say? When did my parents go to Italy?

"I'm going upstairs." I quickly hop out of my chair and run up the stairs into my room.

"What the hell." I say smashing my face into my pillow.

I hear a knock on my door.

I sigh, "Come in."

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