Chapter 33

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Keaton says.

The hurt in his eyes cause my heart to ache.

"Keaton I'm so sorry I-"

"Lily why were you keeping this a secret?" Wesley asks me. Now Wesley looks hurt.

I don't know what to do. If I tell Keaton that I tried to hold back the memories, it will just hurt Wesley. But if I tell Wesley I didn't tell anyone because I felt like Keaton was holding me back that will tear Keaton apart.

I look back and forth between the two boys.

"You have to tell me first."

"Tell you what?" Keaton says.

I take a deep breath, "Why I tried to kill myself."

Keaton and Wesley stare at each other for awhile silently fighting.

"I'll tell you." Wesley says.

"No Wes! Don't!" Keaton yells.

"Why do you want to keep this from me so badly?" I ask Keaton.

He shakes his head, "I don't want to lose you."

"I promise, you won't." I say taking both his hands in mine.

I let go of his hands and walk over to Wesley with Keaton following behind me.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Wesley asks me.



I look at Lily and Keaton as they sit in front of me holding hands. It makes me want to vomit. I can't believe they're doing this to me. I keep my eyes on the ground trying not to make eye contact with them.


I feel my hands start to tremble as I think back to that night. That night that I have spent weeks not sleeping because of. The night I've wanted to take back since it's happened

"The morning it happened I was over your house because you-" tears are forming in my eyes and my voice is shaky, "because you cut yourself. You said your were worthless and didn't deserve me." now tears were silently rolling down my cheeks, "You and Keaton were hanging out the night before and he never came home. I left your house to go find him and when I did it was in an alley where a bunch of stoners sold drugs."

I take a look at Lily, she has a look of confusion spread across her face. When I look at Keaton he's looking down at the ground.

"Keaton was high. When I finally got him home he started saying things. Things like how you kissed him while we were dating and how he was going to have sex with you-"

"Wes you're going to far!" Keaton yells at me.

"You said that?" Lily asks Keaton.

"Lil I swear I didn't mean it like that!" he says.

"Finish." Lily tells me ignoring Keaton.

"Well of course I got angry so I started hitting him. I don't remember hitting him I just know I did because Drew pulled me off of him. That's when you walked in and saw what happened. You drove off in your car. Later we got the call that you were in the hospital."

"But that doesn't really tell me why I did it." Lily says.

As I go to pull out my wallet to get the note out Keaton seems to know what I'm doing.

"Wes. Not yet." he says.

I know Keaton is just saying that because he doesn't want to risk his relationship with her, but I'm not going to show it to her. If she knows why she tried to kill herself anything could happen.


"Why are you still keeping secrets from me!?" Lily says on the verge of crying.

Me and Wes just look at each other. She can't know.

"Fine you can just keep one of the biggest things things that's ever happened to me a secret from me!" she's yells running off.

I look back at Wes. "I'll meet you at home." he says.

I nod, running in the direction of Lily's house.


"Lily!?" I call entering her house.

I didn't check the first floor because I knew she was upstairs in her room. I open the door of her room. She's laying on her bed face down into her pillow.

"Babe." I whisper kneeling down next to her bed.

She doesn't answer my.

"Please. " I sigh.

She sits up slowly in an upright position and places her lips gently on mine.

"I'm falling for you Keaton." she looks at me with her eyes red and watery, "I'm falling for you way to fast and I don't know what to do. But now that I know your keeping secrets from me..." her voice trails off.

How can she be saying this to me when she was doing the same exact thing.

"You were keeping secrets from me." I say calmly.

"That's different."

"Not really."

I see a flash of guilt in her eyes.

"Your-your right." she says looking down at her hands, "I'm just scared Keats."

Now I feel guilty about making her feel this way.

"Babe look at me." I tilt her chin up so now she's looking at me, "I wouldn't be keeping this from you unless I knew you weren't ready. You're not ready. Believe me the second I know your ready to know what happened I will tell you."

She nods quickly.

I wipe away the few tears that escaped her eyes and leave a kiss on her lips. She lays down in bed leaving a space next to her for me to lay in. Once I'm comfortable I place my arm around her waist and she rests her head on my chest. Her breathing becomes even which tells me she's asleep.

"Goodnight beautiful." I kiss the top of her head, falling asleep shortly after.

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