Chapter 32

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August 30

•Dear Memory•

Jackie has been vomiting... a lot and honestly it's disgusting but I'm the only one there to help her because my parents have pushed her out of their lives. They said that she can live here but they want nothing to do with her. She has been going to Drew's house but when she's here, I help her.

It makes me happy that Drew is now stoked about the baby. He also wasn't being a douche bag when he said he didn't want a baby he was just nervous, which I get because he's 20 he shouldn't be a father yet but he's totally fine with it now.

Did I mention how excited I am about Jackie having a baby? EEEK! I'm so excited! I'm gonna be an aunt!

...I still find it weird that it's Drew's though.

•End Of Diary•

I look at the clock after I shut my book. It's only 8 o'clock am. I have nothing to do. My phone rings and I pick it up from the table next to my bed. When I look at the caller ID I wasn't expecting it to be Wesley.

"Hello?" I say confused.


"Uh what's up?"

"Lily. We need to talk." he says calmly.

"Wesley, you know you can't see m-"

"Don't use my full name." he laughs.

"Excuse me?"

"You only use my full name when your serious or being funny."

"Um ok but I was saying-" he stopped me again.

"I know what everyone's saying. I'm fine they're just keeping me away from you because they're the ones that are hiding the truth from you."

"What are they keeping from me?"

"Meet me at the beach in ten."

"Ok?" I say confused.

"I lov- I mean I'll um see you there." he hangs up.

What is he talking about? What secret is everyone keeping from me? And why hasn't Keaton told me?

I throw on a quick outfit just some shorts and a tank top then throw my hair in a ponytail. The beach is only a 5 minute walk so I'll be there in no time. Before I leave I knock on Jackie's bedroom door. "Hey I'm going out I'll be back later. Are you ok?"

She opens the door. "Where are you going?"

"To the beach."

"With who?" she asks quickly.

"Keaton." I lie.

"Alright. Have fun." she closes her door.


I walk on to the hot beach and my eyes scan the shore for Wesley. There's no sign of him. I knew there was something wrong with this. He's such a jerk!

Before I turn around to go home I feel a light tap on my shoulder. When I turn around I'm face to face with Wesley.

"Hey." I breath.

I just realized that this is the first time we've been alone together.


"So..." I say.

"Do you wanna uh take a walk." he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yea." I say shyly.

Wait! What? Im never shy. What's going on with me?

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