Chapter Five

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"Do you have any questions?" Mrs.Kay asked my class as she turned off the short movie she showed us.
A few kids raised their hands, but I could feel a knot in my stomach growing.

What is this feeling?

The video was an educational video for guidance class. Mrs.Kay, the counselor, called on a kid I knew as Todd.
"What happens if someone tried to get us in public?" He asked a question that was answered in the video, but it's okay.

"If someone tries to get you in public, start yelling 'fire!'" Mrs.Kay said with a light smile.

"Why 'fire'?" Sam asked, I didn't understand either.

"Because people won't take it seriously if you yell 'rape'" Mrs.Kay said, making me confused.

Why wouldn't they?

Today was the first time I ever heard of rape or molestation, I've heard of abuse before. These words are new and I don't completely understand.

The knot in my stomach grew bigger as I thought of the situations they gave examples of.
One of the situations showed two best friends, one of the friends noticed bruises on the other.
The bruises were signs of abuse.

Almost the same thing has happened with Craig multiple times.
Is his dad hurting him?

I felt like throwing up now.

His dad is so nice to me, and he's usually nice to Craig too.

I felt tears in my eyes, I didn't want my fourth grade class to watch me cry.

What's happening to Craig? He's my best friend.
*End of Flashback*
(Vic's POV)

I let myself collapse on the couch of my empty, dark apartment.

My phone has buzzed a dozen times now, should I check it?
No. I shouldn't even look.

My phone buzzed again.
After a few minutes it started ringing.
After that, it rang again and again and again.

I listened to the slight hum of my phone each time he called.

I let myself fall asleep on the couch only to wake up to loud knocking on my door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

No. It can't be him, can it?
Would he really come out here to see me?

I could hardly pick my shaking body from the couch before the knocks filled my silent apartment once again

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Please. Please let it not be him.

My phone started buzzing again, my thoughts were jumping from place to place. My mouth feels dryer than usual and my whole body was now trembling as I brought myself to the door.

If I keep letting him knock and eventually start yelling for me, I'll get complaints and I could get kicked out if it happens again.

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