Chapter 1

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I stood up on my bed looking around. I felt weird. I felt sick. Like after you ate too much of Papyrus spaghetti and have a stomach ache. That is what I feel tonight. But this feeling is more odd. It's like someone is watching me or planning to take me at any second. That is the worst feeling to have.

Suddenly I feel a breeze running down my short brown hair. That was weird. I turn to see my window is shut tight. What was that? Why is it breezy in here? I never felt like this since... oh gosh! This feeling, this fear, was it? Is it him, has he return? I felt my whole body silver just thinking about him.

I remember how he was the first I met before meeting any monsters in the Underground. How he force me to... to kill everyone. Oh gosh, had he return to try to make me do another Reset. I was so scared and wish my family are with me right now. Just then I heard laughter right beside me. I knew who that was. I knew it from anywhere.

I sigh and asked softly "it's you isn't, Chara?"

I heard him laugh as I turn my head and sure enough, I saw him. A kid that had the same short brown hair except mine is little longer than his. He wears that green sweatshirt with a yellow stripe across it and brown shorts down to his knees. He had that smile on his face which always creeps me out.

I asked looking at his red glowing eyes, "what do you want, Chara?"

Chara laughs before he spoke, "oh Frisk, you know so well what I want."

I had to admit Chara is really good reading minds specially mine. I look down without a word to him. Chara knew that I didn't want to say nothing else.

Chara spoke again, "it's been over three years since the last Reset. Come on partner, why don't we Reset again."

I shook my head yelling through the top of my lungs, truthfully I'm really getting sick of him trying to control my body.

"No" I yell, "I don't want to be control by you anymore, everyone is happy and I'm happy to be with them!"

I saw Chara smile started to frown as if he was thinking. I seen this before in the previous timeline after I killed everyone. Chara nods his head then look at me.

"I see, you must be confused. You must have misunderstood of what I said."

Then his face turn prior horror with lots of brown liquid dripping down his eyes and his mouth. His voice was cold and super deep.

"Since when were you in control, Frisk?"

My eyes widened as he pull out his knife and began to wave it in front of me. Like a toy of some short. Then again, he's use to doing that. Chara smiled again only his smile was wider than before. I knew by heart what he's up to.

I asked like a dumb fool, "why did you came back?"

I think Chara knew that was kinda a dumb question because he started to laugh like he had heard a joke.

"Seriously?" He asked, "you know why Frisk, I know you too know why I'd return."

Truthfully yeah, he just said why he return. He want me to do another RESET. Not where I just go back and you know just start over in the Underground. Of course when I RESET there is one monster who do remember what I did in the previous timeline including the one where I'd kill everyone.

No, not that kind of RESET that Chara wanted the most of all. He wants a TRUE RESET. What's a TRUE RESET? I'd tell what that is. It means when I make a TRUE RESET, it means that everyone including me will forget all about the previous timelines. Which it is kinda nice since I'd kill everyone in like three or four timeline before Sans help me to stop Chara so I can make everyone happy and not kill them.

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