Chapter 15

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Chara got back up as he glare at me with anger. I knew now that I would be in for it. But I didn't care anymore.

"You're stupid kid!"

Chara grab his knife from the stairs and raise it up and pointing at me now. I stood there as I took a big deep breath.

I glance over seeing Sans and Paps look surprise yet a bit concerned for me. They never knew I would be capable of doing what I just did to Chara.

"Human" said Papyrus, "please, I don't know your name or anything but maybe, maybe we could be all friends?"

I began to feel my tears began to draw out of my eyes. Chara laughs at this as I expected him to anyways. He didn't have any feelings about this.

"Pffft... you are a naive skeleton! Just like Frisk here, you two are better off..."

Soon Chara's voice went deep and his face turn into a hideous monster. His eyes turn to black eyes sockets and his mouth began to drain down a few blood.

"Burning in hell!"

I back up a little yet I didn't run away like I would always do. I heard Sans growl at Chara.

"You brat have a lot to deal with. For one you making me piss off and two you leave my bro and Frisk out of this!"

Chara turn to Sans a little. I saw Sans was a bit taken aback but he didn't back down. Papyrus scream when he saw Chara. Chara laughs.

"Aw... poor Papyrus, never seen anyone like me as this. Have ya?"

Chara stick his tongue out when he spoke. Reminds me of how Flowey would always stick his tongue out at me.

Papyrus ask in horror, "w... what are you?!"

Chara smiles wide, "I'm the one you call."

Papyrus didn't have any idea what Chara is even talking about. Sans step closer to Chara.

"Listen kid" he said, "I know that whatever you did in the past you aren't going to get far here."

Chara laughs, "don't be too sure of that, comedian."

Chara turn to face me. I gulp as I try to stay still to keep Paps and Sans safe. Somehow? Chara began to walk closer to me.

"Come on partner, let's RESET this world and then erase it forever!"

I shook my head.

"Well your choice, Frisk... But remember you would wish that you haven't put down my offer."

Chara pull up his knife and charge at me. I was able to dodge his attack. I look back at him seeing that his face turn back to normal including the red eyes.

I heard Paps and Sans yelling out my name as Chara again strike at me. Again I dodge the blade of the knife. As Chara was about to strike once again, I saw Sans lifting Chara up in the air and slam him against the wall.

Chara shook his head but smiled wide at him.

"Well comedian, that was fun."

Papyrus ran over to make sure my injured arm was alright also making sure nothing else was injured. Papyrus pick me up and carry me in his arms. We both look to see Sans had summund his so call Gaster Blaster. Which looks like a skull of some kind of an animal.

I heard Paps whisper, "Sans, what are you doing?"

I look up but he didn't notice me at all.

"This is the final straw kid! So get dunked on!"

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