Chapter 10

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  Kameron ran right to Chara and soon swing his bat to try to hit Chara. But Chara was able to dodge the bat.

"Ha" mocked Chara, "is that all you got?"

Kameron look right at Chara in the eyes and yelled, "no, but this may help!"

Soon Chara's eyes widened as Kameron quickly grab his turtleneck shirt and pull him close. Kameron smiled wide.

"I know you haven't given up that easily. You rat! All you are is a demonic being hunger to kill anyone that stand in your way!"

Chara growls at Kameron, "You won't get away with this. I know the rest of the souls are too afraid to help you and Frisk. You know that is very, very true."

Kameron lower his head and began to close his eyes but quickly glance at Chara's red eyes. He snare at Chara.

"You only make matters worst. I know why you're here and what's your purpose with Frisk. I know that you are doing all you can do is to kill other monsters all over again."

Chara laughs, "that may be true, but do you even have enough strength to stop me. You have no idea how much Determination I have to get a hold of her. To regain control and then erase this stupid world forever."

Kameron tighten his grip of Chara's shirt. Chara began to struggle to get away. I too began to be a bit frightened of what Kameron is about to do.

Kameron yell, "you saw how I die, you know that I try to harm someone and it only led me to death. Now that I'm a soul, I'm not alive any more. That doesn't mean I still can't stop helping and when I saw Frisk. I knew that she has enough Determination over yours."

I had to agree with Kameron. I did had enough Determination to break the barrier, free all the monsters from the Underground. Also I fought with the most soulless monster in the Underground. If you don't know what I mean. I'm talking about Flowey. He really is soulless that is till he absorb the souls and well turn into his real self.

Chara began to laugh, "we're just see... won't we?"

Kameron growls before he turn his attention to me.

"Frisk, go! Get out as you can! I can handle this one! Now go!"

I obey Kameron and ran for my life depended on it. I began to see my vision going blurry as I felt my legs kept on running. I began to feel my eyes began to close. I heard faint cries from Papyrus and Sans calling my name. I couldn't hear what they were saying though. Soon my vision went black again.

"Frisk, wake up!"

"Human, please you're scaring us!"

I began to open my eyes. There I found myself in Papyrus arms. I look up to see Papyrus tears running down his cheeks. He turn his attention to me and smiled wide when he seen me awake.

"Oh good, you're awake!"

"Thanks gosh kid, you had us scared."

I turn to see Sans beside me rubbing my bangs back. I could tell that he was crying as well. Though I think Paps show it the most then Sans did. I think I freak Paps out when I somehow pass out or something? I don't know.

Papyrus put his bony hand over my head and said, "hm... well at least your fever's gone down."

Sans sighs, "this isn't normal for her to do that. Too bad Alphys was here to help us."

Papyrus nods, "she's at Washington D.C. Wait maybe I could call her and maybe she could figure out what's going on."

Sans thought a moment then nods in understanding, "it's a worth of try."

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