Chapter 19

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Once we made it back inside the house. Paps place me back on the couch and went into the kitchen to cook a meal for us to eat. Sans sat next to me and began to study me a little bit. But then he turns away from me looking at the TV. I think he was debating rather or not he should watch TV.

I put my hand that didn't have the arm that was hurting me in my pocket when I happen to notice that the necklace that Chara gave to me is gone. I pull both my pockets out to see that I had nothing inside them. I know I was certain that I put that necklace in there.

Just then Sans' voice made me stutter a little.

"What's your looking for?"

I look at him and answer, "that necklace."

"The what?"

"When after I got hurt and fell down the stairs Chara somehow put the necklace around my neck and I was surprised you, Paps, or Mettaton hasn't noticed it on me."

"What did it look like?"

"It was yellow, it had a little golden heart at the end of it. I was sure I put in here. Unless... do you think Kameron or the other human souls took it?"

Sans shrugs, "beats me, your guess is good as mine. I'm just glad you don't have it and I'm also glad you're safe again."

I smiled at Sans as I threw my arms around him hugging him tight, "thank you for everything, Sans."

I felt his bony hands petting my head, "heh... no problem kid. You mean the world to me."

"Oh, I almost forgot" I heard Paps said, "I gotta heal you, Frisk."

Papyrus walk in as I let go of Sans sitting up straight on the couch. Papyrus knelt down in front of me and began to use his healing powers on my neck. I can see the red mark slowly disappearing from my neck. It also felt way better now my neck is heal. Now it's my arm to heal up.

"Feel better, Frisk?" I heard Sans ask me.

I nod, "way better."

"Nyeh, heh, heh, the Great Papyrus has once done it again!"

I giggle as Sans place an arm around my shoulder. I look at him with a smile.

I knew that Sans is now content that both me and Paps are both safe and feeling more relaxed since now Chara is gone and won't come back thanks to Kameron and the souls. Though I do wonder what they have done to Chara and if they really have that necklace that Chara secretly gave to me.

Oh well, I've learned that sometimes mystery are best to be kept as a mystery. I also wonder what happen to Mr. G as well. I bet the souls probably kicked his butt and made sure he won't harm us again.

Well, whatever the case is. I don't think I want to know. I'm happy with where I am now. Knowing that I'll always be safe with my friends and family are all on my side. No matter how big the consequences may be.

Just then Paps phone began to ring. Paps got up and ran back into the kitchen to answer his phone. Sans shook his head.

"Heh, guess I ain't the only one who forgets around here."

I began to laugh.

After ten minutes Paps walks in with a wide smile on his face.

"Frisk, Sans, you two better get up and come with me."

Sans tilts his head at Paps, "why bro?"

"Because Sans, Lady Toriel, and the others are coming home and they'll meet us at the airport."

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