Chapter 9

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   Once we made it inside there we saw Napstablook with his headphones on, Muffet talking to Mettaton, and the old Gerson standing next to Muffet. Sans look to his brother and as if he was asking Papyrus how did those three ever enter into the house. Papyrus seen us and said with a smile.

"Good you two are back! Lady Toriel had call few minutes after you both left. I told her where you two are and I also had told her what happen yesterday of Frisk getting sick and then ran away because well you know what happen."

Sans sighs and ask, "oh well did she said anything else?"

Papyrus nods, "indeed, she said that they had finally met the president and he was really nice to them. He even invited them to a big dinner tonight at the White House. Isn't that amazing?!"

Sans laughs and nod his head. I smiled at Papyrus. Then Muffet and Gerson both seen me and walk up to me. I look up at them and said my hello politely to them.

Muffet spoke, "hello dearly, I told Gerson, Napstablook, and Mettaton what happen last night. Well Mettaton I just told to. But for the others I told them this early morning and we decided to come and see how you are doing."

Gerson nods, "that was very dangerous for a young lady like you to be out in the woods especially at night."

I sigh and said "yeah, I know."

Gerson put his hands over his hips and ask, "then why did you do it?"

Sans heard him and said a bit upset, "leave the kid be! She been through enough already. Specially today."

Papyrus look at Sans and ask, "what happen?"

Sans lower his head and answer, "well we got to Gribz and when I was joking with those two dogs. This guy tried to kidnapped Frisk. So I stop the guy and man he was pretty freak out when he seen me. Anyways I save Frisk and Gribz, Dogamy, and Dogareessa went to make sure the kid and I were alright."

Muffet and Mettaton both gasp. Napstablook shook his head as he continued to listen to those spooky mixtapes music of his. Gerson began to rub his small white beard and scratch his shell. Sans look at me and was about to say something when Mettaton spoke.

"My that must have been awful. Never fear for your truly will make sure to keep you company my dear."

Muffet nods, "I could make tea for you, dearly."

Napstablook added, "you could listen to my music tapes if you want."

Gerson look at me and said, "well you could maybe plays some cards with me."

Sans got a bit upset and yell, "will you all just leave! Ugh... leave the kid alone!"

They all look at Sans with shock and a bit hurt. I couldn't believe Sans would be that mean to them. All they wanted was to help me feel better. Even Papyrus gave Sans a surprise expression.

"Fine" snap Gerson, "if that's what you want then I'm leaving! If you want to come over Frisk and play some cards I'll be at my house sleeping on my rocking chair."

Gerson walk out with the others following close behind. Papyrus try to get them to come back but everyone refused and walk out the door. Papyrus close the door behind them. He sighs and turn to look at Sans.

"Sans, how could you? They were only trying to help."

Sans look away saying, "you didn't even told me that we had more guest here."

Papyrus narrow his eye sockets, "I don't need to. Besides Muffet was the one who bring them and were going to help the human. That is till you brown your temper at them."

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