Chapter 3

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   Papyrus came in to join us after changing his clothes to his white body armor. He has his red scarf around his neck and his big red boots. I remember Sans told me that the scarf is an important thing to wear. I suppose what he means is that the scarf is special to both of them. I'm not really sure what that is but it's seems to be important.

Papyrus grab the remote from Sans hand and turn the channel to of course his favorite show. That is watching Mettaton's cooking show. Sans gets irritated just watching Mettaton. He doesn't say anything to Papyrus. I had my eyes on the TV but not really paying much attention to it. I guess I wasn't into the show, it was just kinda boring.

I think Sans could tell I didn't watch the show because he got up and ask looking at Papyrus.

"Hey Paps, you don't mind if me and the kid go out to get something from Grilbz, do ya?"

Papyrus nods happily and said before we left, "be back soon you two."

Sans wave and he let me out first then told his brother that he'll be back in a flash. Which he does mean that. Since he can use his magic to teleport to different places. I found that out in the last timeline. Sans seems to enjoy taking me to Grillby because I think he doesn't like to be alone or something like that. I'm not sure.

Sans took my hand and he snap his bony fingers and in a few seconds we were right outside the front entrance of Grillby's restaurant. The monsters since came up to the surface haven't really change their building much. The only differences is that humans comes in to eat or shop with the monsters. Which looks really nice to see humans and monsters living in harmony together.

Sans let go of my hand and said "I knew that you didn't wanted to watch that show. I don't blame ya."

Sans always seems to know how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking. He also knows when I'm lying. Which it is pretty creepy. Though I didn't lie about not liking the show it's just I didn't want to hurt Papyrus' feelings. Sans knew that. That's why he's always impress when I do things that I don't like doing but never say that to Papyrus.

Sans took me into the restaurant and to my surprise the room had only at least two human men talking and a dog just hanging out. Me and Sans walk up to the long counter which always remind me of a bar counter. Sans help me to sit in my seat then he went to sit on his own. I look up to see a man made out of flames wearing brown and white striped suit and black pants, came up to us wiping a cup in his hands.

"Can I help you two?" ask Grillby.

Grillby is a nice man well man in flames as Sans puts it. He's a hard worker and loves his job. He had this job since well I don't know. His father own the place in the Underground and he started to work with his father since I don't know, eleven or twelve I suppose. Grillby told me and Sans that before we left the Underground. He has his own kids to support and raise as his own. I've only met his oldest daughter Bloom but I never met any other of his kids.

Grillby put the cup down and Sans spoke up, "yeah, a bottle of ketchup and a cup of water please."

Sans seems to know what kind of drink I want. So Grillby nods and went into the back to grab the drinks that Sans order. Sans began to relax as he began to look around the room. Grillby came back with the bottle of ketchup and the glass of water and gave them both to us. Sans took his bottle of ketchup and began to drink out of it. He then place the bottle down and began to make his puns to Grillby.

Most times I would love to hear Sans pun and might add a few of mine in there. But today I didn't seem to even want or feel like listening. It was like I didn't even care of what's going on in the room. I began to feel a bit pain in my stomach and my head began to pound. What the heck is going on? I never felt this ill before. Or was I even sick? Whatever. I felt like that I was going to throw up at any seconds without control.

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