Chapter 17

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My eyes slowly began to open up. At first I thought I was dead, because I saw the light of something above me. So as I was able to open my eyes all the way. I saw my light bulb above me with that cool pink like cone around it.

I look down to see the blue blanket over me. Then I knew where I was at. I am back in my room. How? I have no clue whatsoever. But to my guess it would be Paps and Sans who would be the ones who took me in my room.

Still I wonder about those human souls. How did they knew I was in trouble and how to find me at? So many questions to answer. I just wish it could like be solve just like a blink of an eye. Or more like to be a dog to pick up a scent and finding that thing like a bone and dig that bone up.

Yet that's not possible.

Trying to solve these questions and trying to find out the truth is like trying to find your favorite shock and you look and look and still can't find it. Your favorite shock is nowhere to be found at all. And you don't give up looking for it till you find it.

That's the same way with me. I'm gonna find the truth and answer more of these questions that yet to be crack.

Just then I heard my bedroom door began to open up. I shot my head up to see Papyrus coming in with a plateful of spaghetti in his hands. He finally turn his attention to me and smiled wide as he spoke in a loud pitch voice.

"Frisk! Your up! Oh thank heavens for that!"

I giggled as Papyrus gently place the plate of spaghetti on my lap. He look at me with concerned.

"How are you feeling?"

I look up at him, "okay, just confused of what happen before I um... pass out?"

Papyrus sighs, "well we saw that um... he attack Chara with your body. At least he was caring enough to help you to bed."

"Wait, he?"

Now I'm confused of what Papyrus is talking about.

Papyrus look at me, "Kameron, remember he went inside you and help us."

I look at him of course I remember that fight, "how did you know him and knew what he did?"

Papyrus look down and began to twirl his hands around.

"He uh..." started Papyrus nervously, "show up once you pass out. He told us everything including your encounter with HIM."

What? Now this is getting more confusing than ever before. I understood about Kameron showing himself to Paps and Sans but now this HIM. Who is that? What the heck is Paps talking about?

"HIM?" I asked curious to know what Paps is saying.

Papyrus looks at me in the face, "I know why you didn't tell us about the real reason you're passing out and seeing our past life."

My eyes widened. How could Kameron had told those two about what's really going on? That was suppose to be a secret. I didn't want anybody to worry about me. Now that Paps and Sans knows about it. I'm afraid they are going to tell this to Mom, Dad, and possibly Alphys as well.

I look up at Paps to see his eyes glowing orange. That freak me out. He seems so upset about me keeping this hidden from them.

"Frisk why?! Why didn't you tell us about this?! We all could help you!"

My tears began to flow as I backed away from him nearly falling over the bed. Papyrus catch me before I fell and I saw the orange flames die down as he close his eyes sockets.

"Sorry" was all he could say.

He help me back into bed and made sure the plate of spaghetti is back on my lap. Paps sighs as he look down.

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