Chapter 11

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  As I had my eyes close I began to feel like that I'm not alone. Just then I heard someone was shutting and opening the door upstairs. I listen and it sounds like it was coming from Sans' room. I wonder why Sans is shutting and opening the door so many times. I assume it was Sans. I figure that he use his shortcuts to get up there as he always do.

Yet it was odd for him to be opening and shutting the door like it was some game or something. It finally stop. I expected Sans to come down to check on me. But when I didn't hear anything. I decided to go up the stairs and find out what is going on.

Once I made it up the stairs and I began to walk down the hall. I began to feel this strange feeling that I'm going to find something that isn't what I'm going to like at all. Also that sensation of someone watching me wasn't really helping me as much either. I don't know. It's like going down a hallway of an old haunted house. Waiting for something to come out at you and either to scare you or to harm you.

That's the worse feeling to have. As I stood in front of Sans' room. I could feel something wasn't qutie right. Like something is waiting for me inside. I slowly open the door just enough for me to peek inside.

"Sans" I call, "are you in here?"

There was no response.

I shrug as I open the door all the way. I could see lots of papers lying on the floor. Also some more comics books. No wonder Papyrus hates coming in here. It's just a mess. I feel sorry for Paps when he does clean this room. Even the bed is all mess up and looks that it hasn't been made for weeks.

"That lazybones" I thought.

I look around to find other than the mess complete quiet. Too quiet. I look around and began to call Sans but no response. I stood there scratching my head. I was sure that I heard this door opening and closing from earlier.

I began to walk out when I look at the door knob to see a golden heart necklace hanging on the door knob of Sans' door. How in the world did that got there? I didn't even want to touch it. That was darn right creepy. Because when I first came in that necklace wasn't there until now.

I hurry out the door making sure to close the door. I was about to run back down stairs when I suddenly felt a cold breeze rush through me.

What the heck was that? I wonder.

I turn around but seen no one behind me. I wanted to get out of here. I ran till I stop at the top of the staircase and when I was about to run down the stairs. My vision began to go blurry.

Oh no, not again. In a split second my vision went black. As I felt my vision coming back I found myself in a lab. I stood up brushing my shirt when I suddenly saw Gaster. Or I'm calling him Mr. G for short. Man, I'm getting like Sans again. I guess we both have a lot in common.

I saw Mr. G was studying whatever he's reading in his notebook. He was pretty focus on that notebook when suddenly I look to see a small skeleton wearing an orange and red stripe sweatshirt and red pants coming up to Mr. G with a colorful blocks in his hands. I smiled knowing who that small skeleton is.

"Look daddy, look what I did."

My eyes widened with shock when I heard him call Mr. G daddy. Was this why Sans and Paps didn't want me to know?

I saw that Mr. G pay no attention to the small skeleton, "yes, yes, now go and play somewhere else, Papyrus."

Papyrus look down at his puzzle then look back up, "but you didn't look at what I did."

I began to feel heartbroken for Paps. His own father seems to not even care of his son's acontmesment of that little puzzle block. If only Paps could see me there with them. Yet this was only a flashback so I doubt anyone could see me.

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