Chapter 2

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   The next morning I woke up to see Sans still sleeping beside me, snoring. I giggled seeing that lazybones sleeping. I guess Papyrus isn't the only one calling Sans lazybones. I stretch and yawn as I slowly turn and sat on the side of the bed making sure to not throw the covers onto Sans.

I was about to get up to get dress when suddenly I heard Papyrus' voice calling Sans' name in panic. I knew by the look of Sans, that he is out for the count. So I got up and open my door to see Papyrus wearing an orange T shirt has the words 'Cool Bro' on it, and blue shorts. Papyrus turn to see me looking at him tiredly.

"Human" cry Papyrus, "I can't find Sans, I'm really worried."

I smiled and answer, "don't worry Paps, Sans is with me."

Papyrus looked over my head since he's taller then me and Sans he's able to. Papyrus shook his head and then look down at me.

"He never tells me where he's going at all. I was afraid he decide to sleep walk again."

Sans is known to sleepwalk. Sometimes he goes too far and then we all have to go and find him again. Mostly Papyrus and Alphys are the ones to find him. Then they have to bring him back home. Sans never remember how he ever ended up to wherever he ends up at. Mostly is at the park.

Papyrus walk in while I went to get my blue shirt with pink stripes on it and my blue shorts. I already had my brown tennis shoes on. Papyrus look at Sans with irritation.

"Get up Sans" he scorned.

Sans didn't wake up or even heard Papyrus. So Papyrus try again even louder but Sans still kept on sleeping. So Papyrus grab my blanket and pull the blanket right off of Sans and causing the blanket to go on the floor.

Sans move a little and he definitely stop snoring but he still didn't wake up. Papyrus groan as he yell right in Sans' ear hole.

"Sans, wake up you lazybones!"

Sans groan and said tiredly, "five more minutes bro."

Papyrus grab Sans' jacket and began to hit Sans with the jacket knowing that it won't hurt Sans or lower his HP. Sans moan and groan as he kept telling Papyrus to stop.

"Not until you get up, brother" said Papyrus, "I'll stop when I see you are fully awake!"

Sans yawn and said as he began to roll to the side of the bed, "alright, alright, I'm up now."

Papyrus smiles saying, "good now breakfast will be ready soon, so you two better get ready."

He look right at me when he said both of us. Papyrus walk out of the room leaving us two alone in the room. I can see Sans grabbing his jacket and slowly putting it on. He turn to see me going into the bathroom but then look away before I shut the door. I went up to the mirror and began to change my cloths, I put my pink T shirt and my brown with white polka dot pajamas on the bath tub. Then I grab my comb to brush my hair.

As I once finally got my hair brush, I began to brush my teeth making sure to not make a terrible mess on the counter. Once that's done I turn to grab my pajamas. I pick my pajamas up and as I was about to turn to leave. I look up at the mirror and I scream in horror. I saw Chara in the mirror.

His whole body including his sweatshirt was covered in blood. He had that grin on his face as he started to laugh. I think he'd enjoy seeing me in fear. I don't know but I stood there like a rock with my eyes widened. I drop my pajamas down on the ground. My hands began to shake and so was my legs. I was so scared and freak out to even see Chara like this. Most of all I definitely didn't expect him to show himself through the mirror.

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