Chapter 6

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 I was up real early since I finally did sleep late at night. Sans and Paps are still in bed sleeping. I guess I was really up early. Just then I heard a knock at the door. I wonder who that might be? So since I was all dress and got my hair comb. I went down the stairs and walk right to the door. I heard whomever were on the other side knock three more times at the door. I grab the golden door knob and pull the door open.

There stood at the door well more like standing on one wheel at the door, is Mettaton. I smiled as he rolls into the house. His red light that looks to be shape as a M flash every now and then when he spoke.

"Hello darling, is Papy dear awake?"

I shook my head, "no, he and Sans are still asleep."

Mettaton turn to face me says, "well then I suppose I'm not the only one who's up early."

I smiled, "I guess you're not. Do you want me to wake Paps up?"

"No, not at all. I can wait till he wakes up. Besides my next show won't be til one anyways."

I ask Mettaton if I could get him something like a drink or something to eat but he told me he already ate and didn't need a drink. So he roll over to the living room and began to check things out. If Sans saw Mettaton doing that, boy he'll have Mettaton head for that.

You'd probably figure for a small square box machine that he shouldn't be even famous. Yet you really haven't seen his true form as I did. If you saw his true form you'd believe why he's a star. He's famous not only the monsters but also for the humans too.

Mettaton saw a comic book on the table that Sans left last night after he and Paps bring me home and watch a little TV. I saw Mettaton was carefully looking through the pages and making some sounds to show that he's very interested of what Sans was looking at.

"I see, yes... this is very interesting."

"Um... Mettaton" I finally spoke.

He seems to not hear me but was more to looking at the comic book. Then I spoke up.

"Mettaton, why did you came to see Paps for?"

Truthfully I wanted to find out what Mettaton was planning on having Paps for. Not because I'm suspicious or anything but I'm just curious.

Mettaton put the comic down for a moment till he finished speaking to me.

"Oh because Frisk dear, me and Papy are going to do a cooking show tomorrow and I need him to practice with me so he'll know what to expect."

"Oh" I said surprise that Paps didn't say anything to me or Sans, "I didn't know that."

Mettaton spoke surprise to hear that I didn't know about Paps being on a cooking show with him, "he didn't? Why I told him that he should tell you and Sans about it. I suppose he might have forgot."

I nod in agreement. There are times that Paps do once in awhile forget to say or do something but that's pretty rare.

Mettaton pick the comic book up and began to look through it more. Just then I heard Paps footsteps coming down the stairs and he yell when he saw Mettaton.

"Mettaton, I didn't know you would be here today!"

Mettaton said without putting the comic down, "have you forgotten about the cooking show tomorrow, dear Papy?"

Papyrus put his bony hand over his face, "I did, I'm so sorry Mettaton. I guess um.... Well got caught up in my job that I forgot. I'm terribly sorry."

Mettaton said, "don't worry darling, I got everything all ready anyways. I know how busy you are as a policeman. All I need you to do is show up after my show about three and then we can start practicing."

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