Chapter 5

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   I kept running, and running, and running til I began to see a river flowing up ahead of me. I decided to at least sit next to the river to be alone for a while. I suppose. At least till Sans can be cool down and not be so upset at me. So I walk to the bank of the river and sat down. I look at my brown shoes and pull my shoes along with my shocks off and put them beside me. I put my foot slowly into the water. Man, that feel so great just feeling the cool water on my foot.

I place my foot in the sand of the water and let the water flow by my legs. I enjoy being by a river or the ocean. It's I don't know, feels so relaxing. I close my eyes feeling the nice cool wind blowing my hair. It feels so good. That feeling lasted as my mind began to wonder about this Mr. G that Sans and Paps had talk about. Who is this Mr. G and why does he want my soul? I just wish that Sans would be more considering to at least tell me what's going on.

I can see that it was getting dark now but I really didn't care less. I know if mom found out that I was out here alone. Boy would I be in hot water. More like being boned. Ha, good one Frisk. Guess I'm learning puns from the old fart master himself. Oh wait, Sans. I can't believe he acted like that. I mean what did I said to cause him to be so upset.

I needed truth. I want to help. How can I if no one is telling me what's going on? Gee, what would happen if I go home right now and he's still angry at me. Maybe I should stay out here for a while. I did almost sleep the whole day off. I don't feel tired at all. I just hope Paps and Sans don't decide to send a search party after me.

I lean a bit towards the water, seeing my reflection in the water. I don't know how to keep myself in focus. I guess maybe that I should stay away for a while. I stay there looking at my reflection for a while. I didn't even notice that it was now dark and the moon began to show in the sky. I put my head on my knees with my hands under my chin. At least I'm out of Sans way for a bit.

I could hear the owl hooting and the crickets chirping in the trees. It does seems nice to be out in the dark for a bit. It's sounds like music to me. Couldn't stop wondering about my dream I had with the echo flower and that skeleton. Who were they and why they came to me for? I close my eyes for a few seconds, once I open my eyes I look at the reflection in the water.

Instead of my reflection showing in the water it was Chara's over mine. I got my legs out of the water as terrified as I was. I could hear Chara's voice but I couldn't see where he was.

"Well Frisk, that was interesting. You really made that comedian mad at you."

I yelled, "what are you doing here?!"

Chara laugh, "Frisk, have you forgotten that I can follow you anywhere."

I forgot Chara would follow me anywhere I go. He's very good at that. I shut my eyes as I didn't say a word. Mostly I didn't even wanted to speak. Chara could sense this.

"Come on partner, we both know how he is. You know he won't forgive you. Not after you've killed all those monster including his brother."

I just wish he would leave me alone. He had to make sure I knew about the last timeline. Why?! Chara didn't say nothing more. I think he knew that I didn't even wanted to be bother or even talk to him. I had it with him trying to take over my own body and soul including this timeline.

I don't even know if Chara was even still with me or he left for a moment. I don't really care. I began to cry and pull my knees up to my face. I cried a whole lot. I don't know how long I was this way but all I knew it was quite a while.

Just then I heard a loud female and male's voice calling my name. I jerk my head up a little. I listen carefully. More and more voices was heard calling my name. Of all the voices, I heard Paps and Sans voice calling me. I figured that those two would have the search party after me. Specially Paps, he's alway worry about everyone. I lower my head pressuring if I should either go and join the others or just stay here and ignore their call.

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