Chapter 13

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Once at the house Paps took Sans straight to bed. I sat on the couch and waited for Paps to come back down the stairs. I heard Paps scream when he seen Sans' room. Boy, I think he's gonna clean that room tomorrow. I shook my head and only look down at the floor.

After few minutes, Papyrus came back down and went into the kitchen. I heard him opening the freezer door and then shutting it once he got that nice cream for me. I turn to see a blue nice cream cone in his hands.

"Nyeh heh, a nice cream for you, Frisk."

I smiled as I reach the nice cream and held it with my right hand. I made sure to thank him for it. That is a polite thing to do, you know. Just then Paps' phone rang. Papyrus looks at the phone and ran outside to answer.

I had no doubt in my mind that it would probably be mom. I knew Paps would have to break the news to her of me getting hurt. I don't think he wanted me to hear it. I unwrap the paper from the nice cream and began to lick the nice cream.

It did tasted quite nicely. As I began to get the blue cream down some, I saw Paps walking into the house with his phone in his left hand. I saw that he was not too happy. He sighs as he glance at me for a moment then went back upstairs.

I knew that whatever he said, I knew in my mind that mom knows that I'm hurt. I'm sure now that she wants to get home right away to heal my arm. That's how she is. I don't mind her worrying about me so much. I mean, she lost two children already. I know she couldn't bare to lose me too.

Once I finish my nice cream cone, I got up and threw the wrapper away. As I was about to walk back that's when I heard his laughter. Oh boy, here we go again.

I sigh as I turn to face Chara. Chara smiles with that evil grin of his. I saw the knife in his hands. I knew that I was in for it, again.

"So" he says, "got a little hurt huh? Was it fun seeing my necklace there."

My eyes widened, "it was you?!"

Chara laughs, "Ah... only the necklace and getting your little attention. But, that pushing you down thing wasn't me. It was Gaster."

I sigh. I guess Gaster and Chara are now working together. But why? Whatever, I didn't care less right now.

"I thought you were fighting Kameron."

Chara shrugs, "he pretty tough kid, yet I wasn't afraid of him. And he knew it."

"So what happen?"

Chara gave me a suspicious look then laughs like he heard another joke.

"What happen? Well I'll tell ya. I was able to get him out of my way. By that, I mean I made him move out of the way by force. Don't worry he's fine just a bit shock that's all."

I narrow my eyes, "what has he or anyone else done to you?!"

Chara walk up to me a little closer, I began to back up till I felt the wall against my back so I couldn't go any further.

"You still don't got a clue, do ya Frisk? What I want is this world to end! By that I have to do it by force. So if anyone even you are in my way. You know what I'll do with this."

He began to wave that knife in front of my face. I look at it with fear.

"Come on pal, don't ya wanna join me?"

I shook my head, "never."

Chara rolls his red eyes at me, "your choice. No matter anyways. I'll get you to join me one way or another. Don't think that we have plans, Frisk."

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