Chapter 16

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I felt my whole body charge at Chara. Chara dodge the swing from the bat. I was kinda surprise of how fast I moved toward Chara.

I could hear Kameron in my head telling me to keep going and keep in focus.

Which I did.

I hit Chara in the leg with the bat and Chara fell on his knee. As Chara look up at me I could see the anger running up of that expression. Boy did I began to freak out. I never in my whole life seen Chara this angry before.

I look to see Papyrus and Sans running towards me. I think they wanted to stop me from hurting Chara. But then for some reason Kameron use my mouth to stop them.

"Stay back!"

This time part of Kameron's voice was heard coming out of my mouth along with my voice.

"Human?" I heard Papyrus asks me.

Sans stop dead cold. I knew that he had figured out that was not me that spoke.

"What the hell?"

I look at Sans and Papyrus and smile finally I spoke in my own words to the skeleton brothers.

"It's okay, I have help."

Sans and Papyrus both look at each other confuse and worry at the same time.

I turn in time to see Chara charging at me with full rage. My tears began to come out of my eyes as I could feel Kameron took full control again and hit Chara in the head making Chara fly to the wall. Chara hit the wall so hard that his head began to bleed.

"Now Chara, don't you ever mess with this family ever again. You hear me!"

Kameron's voice was sharp and stern with anger.

I could feel tears drowning down my cheeks. My legs began to shake. I began to feel the room spinning around. I was able to stand as Chara growls at the two of us.

"Fine, but you do know that I'm not the only one who's messing around. You and Frisk both know that."

Soon Chara snap his finger and disappear hopefully for good. I think after that fight, Chara is going to stay away from me for a while. I just hope not ever.

I look towards Sans and Paps to see their shock expression.

I smiled as I could see them both were spinning. My vision began to blur and everything even little objects were spinning around. I couldn't feel my body anymore.

I could guess my legs were shaking pretty badly. I try to keep myself in balance but I was so weak. I think after that fight and Kameron taking control of me really got to me.

I heard Paps and Sans yelling my name but I could hardly see them both. Then I heard Kameron in my head screaming my name.

"Frisk, are you alright?! Please don't pass out..." Kameron's words faded as my vision blackened.

I woke up to find that I was in pitch darkness. I look around to find Mr. G looking down at me. I could only see his skull face. I couldn't see the rest of his body.

Maybe it's best I didn't.

Soon Mr. G spoke like when he use to been the royal scientist, "Frisk... I was expecting you..."

Okay now Mr. G knows my name and he's began to creep me out all the way.

"I... see that you and Kameron had... won the battle with... Chara..."

I gulp knowing that Mr. G had seen our fight. He soon summoned his weapons to reveal two or three different of his skull hands that has holes right through them. One on top of Mr. G's head flash orange towards me. I was able to dodge the attack. Then a blue flash on his right strike towards me and again I dodge them on his left the green flash strike and I dodge it.

It gone on like that which seems like a long time. Till I began to get tired that I soon collapse on the floor. I was out of breath and breathing heavily. I couldn't stand no more.

I look up to see Mr. G using all three of his powerful hand to strike me down for good. I close my eyes fearing the worse.

I thought it was all over for me.

I won't be seeing my friends or family ever again.

Just then I heard a sound of a shotgun hit towards Mr. G and boy did he yell as I heard him flew across somewhere. I didn't know where.

I open my eyes to see the five humans souls revealing themselves to me.

I look to see the child with the soul of Justice had her pellet gun out smiling wide like Kameron and Chara does.

Her hair is long blonde down to her back, she was wearing a brown cowboy hat and her clothing was also cowboy dress with her brown vest and those brown pants with her black boots that has a silver wheel on the back.

She seems to be older than the rest of the souls whom I saw. Yet I do believe she may be slightly younger than Kameron.

"You're okay?" ask the soul with Kindness.

Kindness has light blonde hair wearing a green shirt and blue pants has a brown apron around his waist. He had a flying pan in his hands. He grab my hand and help me up along with the ballerina in the pink tutu with her black hair tied into a bun.

"I don't really know" I said truthfully.

Justice sighs as she look to the youngest of all of us. Which is Patience. This small little six or seven year old girl with her brown hair in a ponytail, wearing a black and white sweatshirt and blue jeans. She seems to be shy to me.

"Amber, get Frisk back to Kameron and the skeleton brothers while we deal with HIM."

Amber nods as she took my hand and the two of us left. I could hear the souls attacking Mr. G with all their might. I look at Amber, she seems so serious yet so quiet. I wonder if she could even talk.

We both stop when we reach to Waterfall.

"I'll take you back" Amber spoke at last, "once you go back you don't tell them or Kameron of what we're doing."

My eyes widened, "wait you're going to join them?"

Amber nods.

"But I can't, I have to help you and the others."

Amber shook her head, "no, you've got to go back. Kameron and your uncles would be very sad if something happens to you."

"But... but..." I couldn't find the right words to say.

Amber smiles as she petted my hands, "don't worry about us. We done this before. You must go back and rest. You'll need it."

I smiled but not too convinced if I should leave her and the rest of the soul with Mr. G.

Amber look at me with stern, "remember do not tell anyone about this meeting or what occur. Not even about what Gaster did to you."

I was about to ask but soon my vision went black and I could see Amber smiling at me before my vision went entirely black.

"I won't forget you" was all I could say to Amber.

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