Chapter 7

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   I turn to my side as I kept laying on the bed. My eyes began to open and close every now and then. So I just decided to well close my eyes. Once I did that's when things began to get scary. No, Chara isn't going to mess with me. Not at least this time. It was more different.

Everything was complete dark. I couldn't see much of anything. At least till a light was shown on a tall skeleton wearing a white coat and a black pants under his coat. This skeleton seem to be working on something. He was at a small table with lots of scientist chemical bottles on the table. There over the table was a black chalkboard with some odd formulas that even I can't understand.

I was about to ask the skeleton when he spoke.

"I see you're here pretty late."

I was confused till I saw a yellow dinosaur running in with lots of paper in her arms. I thought to myself. Was this Alphys? It has to be because she sounded just like her. She's seems to look younger and at a younger age. I bet that this is some kind of flashback of when Alphys first began to be a royal scientist.

Alphys kept on apologizing to whom ever this skeleton is for being a bit late. He seems to ignore her. He kept working on his whatever he's working on. I was thankful when Alphys asked the skeleton of what he's doing. He sighs and spoke to her.

"It's one of the human soul. The one that died this week. The king was so heartbroken when his son die and so is the queen. He nor the queen knows that I have their kid here with me."

I peer over the skeleton shoulder to see a red heart flowing inside a tube like cup with electric vines going into it. I wonder if this was... was it, Chara's. It has to be because he's the only one other than me that has the soul of Determination. And as Sans explain to me that a red heart or soul is symbols for Determination. I began to wonder what in the world would this skeleton I've never met or seen would be doing with Chara's soul for.

Alphys look up at him and ask in concerned, "w... what w... would the king t... thinks i... if he s... seen this?"

The skeleton slam his bony hand on the table and yell, "he won't! He'll never find out!"

This scared the living off of Alphys. It scared me too. The skeleton sighs as he dismiss Alphys to do some other things as he works. I think Alphys was kind glad to get out of there. I think that skeleton scared the livings off of her.

Once Alphys left, the skeleton began to work harder on this soul. He grab his notebook and began to write things down as he observed Chara's soul. Chara's soul was flashing on and off every time I seen it myself. It looks to be pretty normal to me. The skeleton nods as he close his notebook and began to put his bony hand into the liquid tube. He grab Chara's soul and put the soul out. He let the soul float in his hand. But then something bad really happen.

Chara's soul began to turn black and I could see the skeleton shock and surprise look on his skull. That soon the soul lashed right towards the skeleton and soon the skeleton went flying backwards. Knocking over some book and such. I could hear Chara's laugh as the soul disappear into the darkness. The skeleton stood up and began to brush himself off. I look at his skull to see the blood running down over his one eye socket. I gasp.

Soon Alphys ran in and she got really worried. She told him that she was gonna let the king know what happen but as she was about to leave. The skeleton grab her waist and pull her back. Alphys yelp when he did so.

"No, just get some towel and I'll wipe the blood up."

"B... but your eye it'll..."

"Just do as I told you to do and don't underestimate me."

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