Chapter 4

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  I began to open my eyes. I look up ahead of where I was laying to see a tiny blue flower. I immediately shot up to look to see a blue river with a waterfall not far beside me. I look all around to see blue flowers all around. I knew already of where I am. I'm back in Waterfall. How? I have no clue. This has to be a dream.

I got myself up to hear the flowers began to sing in a lovely tone as they always have. I do enjoy being in Waterfall doing my journey through the Underground. Yet I was confused of why I'm back here. Just then I heard a flower ahead of me spoke as if it was in panic or something. So I decide to ask why it's panicking.

The flower answer in a soft tone, "we are worry for you."

I immediately had somehow recognize this flower's voice. I don't remember where though. It's just sounds familiar.

I ask, "how come?"

The flower then answer, "because Frisk, Chara wants to take adventurous of you. He wants to destroy this world forever. Not only that but wants your soul to do so. Don't let him. You are strong, you are filled with Determination."

I lower my head, "how? How can I stop him? He's too strong and powerful. Not only that we both have the same soul."

"Don't doubt yourself. He feeds on fear. Show him how Determined you really are. You done it before with Flowey. You can do it once again for Chara."

I was about to ask but then things began to get fuzzy and really strange. All I saw was darkness all over. Not only that I saw white tiny stars all over the darkness. It was kinda nice to see but not the part of me falling. I began to notice that I was falling for quite a long time. I wonder if there was a ground to land on.

Soon I heard a strange whisper in the darkness. It sounded like it was right in front of me. But where and who? I couldn't make out the words since it was in strange language. I happen to look back and then forward again, I saw a white skull looking right at me. This skull had a black scar on his right eye socket. He had the smile which kinda remind me of Chara's except a grin similar to Sans'.

"What...? Who are you?" I stumble to ask.

This skeleton look at me confused, I think. I couldn't see the rest of this skeleton's body because it was so dark. But I saw the skeleton putting his bony hand out to me. I saw a round hole in the palm of his bony hand. The skeleton wanted me to touch it. I began to shake wondering if I should trust this skeleton or not. As I about to reach my hand to this skeleton I began to hear Papyrus' voice calling my name.

I began to see the skeleton began to disappear and the room began to light up. My eyes slowly opening up. I began to see Papyrus looking right at me holding a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I yawn as I smiled at him. Papyrus too smiled back placing the bowl down on my lap when after I sat up.

"Good your up! I know Sans had told me to leave you alone but I couldn't let you sleep all day without eating. How do you feel?"

I then realized that my stomach didn't hurt anymore and I wasn't weak either. I told him that I was feeling better and began to eat the chicken noodle soup. Papyrus was glad to hear that I was feeling well. I look at the clock to see it's past seven thirty. I look up at Papyrus.

"I was asleep the whole day?"

Papyrus nods, "indeed, that's why I woke you up. That way you can get something to eat."

I nod as I continue to eat my chicken noodle soup. I look up at Papyrus and ask realising that Sans was nowhere to be found in my room.

"Um.... Paps, where's Sans?"

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