All the Stars - Namjoon xYou

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"What is this?"

You hold up a notebook with lyrics written inside - a lot of lyrics - many scribbled out or erased and written over. The cover is covered in colorful doodles and snatches of lyrics too. You know this notebook. Namjoon carries it with him everywhere in case inspiration strikes in the middle of a sip of coffee. It has, actually, hence the coffee stains on a few pages. This notebook is like Namjoon life, his whole personality and passion scored into pages that are too thin to hold him up.

He used to be shy about showing you, but you pestered him too much and he finally let you see. Since then, after your dumbfounded "you're a genius" reaction, he's been showing you in work ever since. That is, until a couple weeks ago. Whenever you reached for the notebook he'd pull it back, saying he was working on something special, something he only wanted you to see when it was finished. You let him have it, but come on, it's been two weeks and Namjoon's never kept you out of his head for so long.

It's hard, since he's never out of your head. You didn't mean to. Namjoon's a complex guy, and also incredibly simple at the same time. He can say something powerful and something weird in the same paragraph. When he's rapping or reciting poetry to you, he's powerful and commands attention and when he's the coffee shop he's spilling liquid on lyrics and earning sighs from the owner. But hey, gotta love a man who can do both.

And you do.

Like, you've always loved him, of course. He's your best friend. You don't really have anyone else and Namjoon has always been there for you. He's seen you at your best and at your worst and there's a special kind of companionship that develops from that. Also, recently you've discovered that he's kinda hot.

Or really hot. And it's very distracting and thank goodness you would always stare at him in the past when you were deep in thought or when he was sharing something with you because you're not sure how to cloak this new obsession of yours. Can it be called new? Sure it can. There really ought to be rules for this. How many times had someone fallen in love with their best friend? And you're not entirely you ARE in love with him. There's weird sparks and fluttery things, but you don't know if you're past infatuation and into actual and true affection.

You still feel about him the same way, like he's your best friend and you could tell him anything, but maybe not that you think you're falling in love with him, because you've finally swiped his notebook and this is a confession if you've ever seen one. And damn, but that hurts.

"What...why do you have that? How did you get that?" Namjoon's face is pale, but then his tone starts to get rough, almost like he's angry. "I told you I didn't want you to see it yet!"

"Are you in love? This is not like your other songs. This is a real confession. You freaking SIGNED it at the bottom. The same song is written on five different pages. You really wanted to get it right. Namjoon," you reluctantly let him tear the notebook from your hands, "who is it?"

"Doesn't matter," Namjoon mutters, voice still gruff and unhappy. "Why? Why did you look at this?"

"I was curious." You're kinda more freaked out by his reaction than by the fact that he's apparently in love and you didn't notice. "You always let me see before. And it's good. It's really good. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Namjoon is tense, hands clutching his notebook so much that the cover is warping. "Fine, so it's a confession. And?" He looks at you hopefully, for what, you're not sure.

You can't help but support him. You're not sure you're in that deep yet. You can help him and be okay. Maybe. "Like I said, it's good. How long have you liked her?"

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