Chapter 2: I Have You On My Mind

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Cody POV
That girl, Ashley, made me feel different. Not like any girl has made me feel. I wonder when will I ever get to see her again.

"Cody. Earth to Cody. Is anyone home?" I heard a girl's voice say which snap me out of my thoughts. I look up to see it was Ashley.
"What did you say? Sorry I wasn't listening." I said seeming embarrassed.
"It's fine. Can you get up so I can use the Lou real quick?" She said with her Irish accent.
"Sure." I said getting up to let her out.

Ashley POV
Once I was done with my business in the bathroom I went back to my seat. Cody saw me and got up. I sat back down in my seat and saw Liam still sleeping but Cody wide-awake.

"Hey Cody." I said greeting him.
"Yea." He answers.
"Let's get to know each other because I'm bored, have no one to talk to, and I can't go back to sleep." I said.
"Sure. How about we take turns asking each other questions?" Cody suggests.

"Sure. What is your full name?" I said.
"Cody Robert Simpson." Cody answer. His name sounds familiar, as if I heard it from somewhere but where. It will probably come to me later.
"What is your full name?" Cody asks me.
"Ashley Victoria Horan." I answer.
"How old are you?" I ask.
"I'm 16, what about you?" Cody said.
"I'm 16 too. When is your birthday?" I said.

We start getting to know each other, which was fun because Cody was acting stupid. Once it was time for us to go, Cody and I exchange numbers. I wonder when is the next time I will see him. Probably never but who cares when I might or might not see him again. Once we got to the hotel room or should I say pen house, I went to the room I wanted and fell asleep on the bed.

Cody POV
Ashley is so pretty. I would not be surprise if she already has a boyfriend. I feel weird when I am around her. I really cannot explain it.

"Cody, Cody, CODY!!" I heard my name being called.
"What did you say?" To notice my sister was the one calling me.
"What's up with you? You seem like you're whipped." Alli said rising an eyebrow.
"You could say." I said blushing a little bit.
"Aw bro who is she?" Alli asks.
"Her name is Ashley Victoria Horan." I said in a dreamily voice.
"Did you just say Horan?" She asks.

I nodded my head then Alli start fangirlling. I gave her a questioning look. Alli stop and gave me 'are you serious' face. I nodded again being the clueless person I am.

"Her last name is Horan and I think she might be related to Niall Horan." Alli explain making it all clear to me now.
"Oh now I get it." I said.
"Yea." Alli said.

Ashley POV
"Loving him was blue like I-"
"Hello." I said all sleepily.
"Oh sorry did wake you." A familiar Australian voiced said.
"No you're fine. I needed to get up anyway." I said it was four in the afternoon.
"I was wondering if you could come to this beach party my friend is hosting?" Cody asks.
"Sure but I'm probably going to have to bring my brother and his friends along with me." I said.
"Okay I'll be there to pick you mates up at 7." Cody said.
"Kk I'll see you later." I said.
"See you later." Cody said.

After I set my phone down, I went into the bathroom and did all my business. I got dress in a white V-neck tee, black booty shorts, black and white strip flip-flops, and my dog tag. I don't like wearing any make up because I don't want to look like one of those cake face Barbie dolls and it's stupid wearing it, so I didn't put any on. I left my hair alone because I felt lazy on doing something to it. I went to the "living room" to see all the lads watching TV or whatever.

"Good afternoon Sleeping Beauty." Louis said.
"Whatever. Do you lads want to go to a beach party with me or not?" I ask.
"Sure." They all replied.

I nodded and text Cody that they were coming.

Cody POV
I look at my phone to see that Ashley has texted me.

Ash Is Sexy: My bro and his friends are coming along
Me: Okay see you

I look to see it is already six. I thought it was a good time to start getting ready for the party. I wanted to look my best so I ask Alli for some help. In the end, Alli picked out a light blue muscle top that has black writing on it that says Surfer Boy, black and blue strip trunks, my Ray Ban, and flip-flops.

"Cody come on let's go." Alli said.
"Okay I'm coming Alli." I said walking out of my room.

Alli went with Madison so there would be enough room for Ashley's and the people she has bring. Once I got to her hotel, I decide to let her know I was she.

Me: I am out in the front of the hotel do you want me to air in the lobby
Ash Is Sexy: Okay we will be down and yea wait in the lobby

I park my car in the parking lot and waited in the lobby as I was told to.

Ashley POV
"Come on lads our ride is here so you people need to hurry your asses up." I said.
"Language Ashley." Liam scolded.
"Whatever Daddy Direction." I said.
"Okay we're done. Now let's get our beach on." Louis said.

I roll my eyes and we all went down to the lobby. I search for a boy with blonde hair. When I found who I was looking for I cover their eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" I said.
"Ashley." The familiar Australian voice said.
"You are correct." I said uncovering his eyes.
"So where are your brother and his friends?" Cody asks.
"ASH WHO'S THE GUY YOU'RE WITH?!" I heard Harry scream.
"And here they are." I said.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Niall ask now getting into his older brother protective mode.
"No we're just friends. I met him yesterday. What do I look to you people a whore?" I said.
"Whoa you're One Direction." Cody said star struck.
"And you are Cody Simpson. You're the lad coming on tour with us." Zayn said.
"Wait a minute. How come I was never inform of this shit?" I said.
"Sorry and come on we don't have all day. Let's go to the beach." Liam said.

We all went out to Cody's car and drove to the beach. Once we got to the beach, all I saw was boys and girls in the water, making out, sitting near a fire, or dancing. Once I got on the sand, I took off clothes leaving me in my black strapless bikini.

"So what do you want to do?" Niall ask.
"I always wanted to learn how to surf." I said.
"I'll teach you if you want." Cody offer.
"Sure but I don't have a surfboard." I said.
"There's rental surfboard place here so you can rent one for a bit." Cody said.

I rented a surfboard for a bit and I was able to surf after a few waves. I like the feeling of being on the wave surfing. I feel so free. After it got a bit dark, Cody and I went on shore.

"CODY!" I heard a female voice scream. I look to see a girl with long wavy blonde hair and gray/hazel eyes.
"GIGI!" Cody exclaim. I saw her jump into Cody's arms.
"I'll leave you guys alone." I said. They did not seem to pay any attention to me so I left.

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