Chapter 12: Forgive Me

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Liam POV
I made sure I woke up extra early or well earlier than everyone else did. I want Ashley to forgive me so I made her favorite breakfast; chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, scramble eggs, sausages, raisin toast, and apple juice. I want to make it up to Ashley for being so stupid. I put everything onto a tray so it would be easier for me to carry everything. When I walk into the room, I see Ashley is still sleeping. I set the tray down to the side and gently wake her up. She yawns and rubs her eyes.

"Liam is that you?" She asks still rubbing her eyes.
"Yea it's me." I said softly.

Then she slaps me across the face. I held my face in pain. I look up to see anger in her facial expression. I deserve getting slap for what I did last night. 

"You fucking bastard, you fucking left me outside to wait in the fucking rain. I slip in a motherfucking mud puddle and I was fucking lucky that Cody fucking drove by and was able to give me a fucking ride back to the hotel." She yells at me.
"I know what I did to you last night was horrible but I want to make it up to you." I tell her. I hand her the breakfast I made her.
"You better make it up to me real good." Ashley said in a serious tone.
"Tonight I'm going to bring you on other date but this date will be different from last time. I promise you that." I promise her.
"Fine but it better be worth it." Ashley tells me.

I kiss her, she didn't respond right away but she did eventually. Sophia kiss was magical but this kiss I don’t feel anything anymore. I was the first to pull away. Something about this just doesn't feel right anymore. I push my feelings to the side maybe I’m just going crazy. I really like Ashley and nothing will change that. 

“Do you want to help me eat this because I’m not going to be finishing it?” Ashley asks me.
“Sure, why not.” I said.

We both fed each other. During breakfast, I got an idea of our date for tonight. All I hope for is Ashley enjoying the date. After breakfast, I took everything into the kitchen to be wash. Now it’s time for me to work out everything for our date tonight.

Ashley POV
Liam left me alone to get ready for my day. I just got dress in a black plaid shirt with a white spaghetti strap tank top, pre-rip denim shorts, black Converse, and my necklace. I heard my phone signaling me that I have a text message.

Matt The Man: Are you ready to meet Shawn
Me: Sure, I’ll be there 15 minutes top

Before I left, I made sure I let the lads know that I was leaving to go meet Shawn. Niall went along with me for moral support. When we got there I see Cody, Alli, Matt, and an African American guy with a beard.

“Ash!” Alli exclaim.
“Al!” I mock her while giving her a hug.
“Ashley I want you to meet Shawn Campbell. Shawn this is Ashley Horan.” Matt introduces us.
“It is nice to meet you Shawn.” I said shaking his hand.
“What song will you be singing for us today?” Shawn asks me.
“I’m going to be singing Nightingale by Demi Lovato.” I told him.
“Okay go ahead into the studio.” Shawn tells me.
“Don’t put on any track I’m going to be singing it while I play the piano.” I said.

He nods his head. I go into the booth with a piano. I start playing in the key of Nightingale.

I can't sleep tonight Wide awake and so confused Everything's in line But I am bruised need a voice to echo I need a light to take me home I kinda need a hero Is it you?

I never see the forest for the trees I could really use your melody Baby I'm a little blind I think it's time for you to find me

Can you be my nightingale? Sing to me I know you're there You could be my sanity Bring me peace Sing me to sleep Say you'll be my nightingale

Somebody speak to me Cause I'm feeling like hell Need you to answer me I'm overwhelmed I need a voice to echo I need a light to take me home I need a star to follow I don't know

I never see the forest for the trees I could really use your melody Baby I'm a little blind I think it's time for you to find me

Can you be my nightingale? Sing to me I know you're there You could be my sanity Bring me peace Sing me to sleep Say you'll be my nightingale

I don't know what I'd do without you Your words are like a whisper cutting through As long as you are with me here tonight I'm good

Can you be my nightingale? Feels so close I know you're there Oh, nightingale Sing to me I know you're there 'Cause baby you're my sanity You bring me peace Sing me to sleep Say you'll be my nightingale

Oh Mm, mm Mm

“So how was I?” I ask them.
“Ashley you just got yourself a record deal.” Shawn says smiling.

I sign the contract and I was able to get Matt as my manger. Niall ask me to be their ending act for their world tour, which works out because I’m going anyway. Now I’m living the dream.

Liam POV
Everything is set up and now I have to go pick up Ashley. When I knock on the door, she opens up the door dress in a strapless black and white strip sundress, black sandals, her necklace, she had no makeup on, and she braid her halfway leaving the rest of her hair alone.

“You look beautiful tonight like you always do.” I compliment her.
“Thanks, you look handsome as well.” She says.
“I’m going to blindfold you.” I told her once we got to the car.
“Fine but if you kidnap me or something, I’m not afraid to beat the shit out of you.” Ashley said seriously.
“I won’t just trust me.” I tell her.

I drive the car to where the date is set up. Once I got there, I told Ashley to wait a moment for me. I help her out of the car and then I took off her blindfold. She gasps once she was able to see again.

“Liam this is beautiful.” She said turning around giving me a kiss.
“I want you to forgive me so I’m going to make this night unforgettable.” I said smiling at her.

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