Chapter 4: Liam & Me??

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Ashley POV
Ugh, my fucking head is killing me. What happen last night? Oh yea the fight, getting drunk, well I had a fun time. Hope I didn't do anything stupid last night, like hook up with someone. I got of my bed, went into the bathroom, and did my business. I got dress in a purple V-neck, pre-rip denim jeans, purple Converse, some loom bracelets, and my necklace with two hearts on it. I went into the kitchen and got the Advil drowning it with water. I let the Advil slowly take over my horrible hangover. I decided to be nice and make breakfast for everyone. I decided to make chocolate chip pancakes. While cooking the pancakes the lads pile in one by one. Niall was the last to come in the room, which was a shocker because he's always the first person when it comes to food. I gave everyone their plate with the pancakes on it.

"So Ash how was the kiss?" Harry asks smirking at me.
"What kiss?" I ask looking all confuse.
"Your kiss with Liam duh." Louis said getting all sassy on me.
"I don't know." I said.
"How can you not know?" Zayn ask.
"Oh I know because I got drunk off my ass last night after the fight." I said rolling my eyes.
"That fight was funny. Ah the poor girl didn't see it coming at her." Harry said.
"I have it all on record." Louis said.
"Why don't you kiss Liam again and you can tell us how it feels." Harry suggests.
"If I kiss Liam will you lads shut up?" I said.

They nodded with a smirk on their faces. I grab Liam by the shirt crashing my lips into his. He starts kissing me back once our lips connected. Let me tell you Liam can kiss better than all the guys I kiss. The kiss got a bit heated up by me licking Liam's bottom lip for entrance. He granted my wish and let me in.

"Gross you're snogging in front of us." I heard Louis said.

We ignored him and continue snogging. Soon my fingers got tangle into Liam's hair and Liam's hands were on my waist.

"Get a room." I heard Harry say.

I smirk and wrap my legs around Liam's waist while Liam's hand had a firm grip on my thighs. Soon I was lying down on the bed while Liam was on top of me. We were still kissing. It's a bit weird that I have known Liam for a few years and now I'm starting to have feeling for him. We both pulled back for air. We put our foreheads together smiling at each while breathing heavy.

"You're really a good kisser." I said causing Liam to blush.
"I could say the same to you." Liam replies.

When we were about to go back into another make out session we heard Niall scream, "YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE MAKING BABIES IN THERE!!" I roll my eyes and got out of the bed. Liam got out the bed as well and follows me into the kitchen.

"I don't see anything unusual about the two except mess up hair and wrinkled clothes." Louis said observing us. I roll my eyes.
"All we did was make out." I said.
"So how was it?" Harry asks with a smirk on his face.
"Liam is a pretty good kisser." I said.
"But I'm better." Harry said.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Styles." I said petting his head. He pouts at me and I couldn't help but laugh at him.
"What about you Liam? Any comments on Ashley?" Zayn ask.
"Yea all I have to say is that Ashley's lips are addictive." Liam said.

We all couldn't help but laugh at Liam's comment. Even Niall cracked a smile and laugh along with us. After breakfast, we decided to have a fun time and go to the beach and have fun.

Cody POV
I couldn't get Ashley out my head. I'm still curious if she likes Liam or not. I shouldn't think about this when I have a girlfriend. Why do I have Ashley in my mind since day one? Maybe when time comes it will help me think about what I should do. I heard my phone ring. I look at the caller I.D. to see its Gigi calling.

"G'day." I said greeting her.
"Hey Codes." Gigi said.
"What's up?" I said.
"Do you want to come to the beach with me?" Gigi ask me.
"I was born by the beach so I think you know my answer." I said,
"Okay then, just meet me at the beach in 20 minutes," Gigi said,
"Okay see you later." I said.
"Bye Codes." Gigi said.
"Bye Gigi." I said hanging up the phone.

I got my things ready to head to the beach and meet up with Gigi. I went out to my car and went ahead to the beach. In a month's time, I'm going on a world tour with One Direction. It's exciting on going on this tour. Once I got to the beach, I spotted Gigi near a palm tree and a boulder. I sneak up behind her and cover her eyes so she couldn't see.

"Guess who this is?" I ask her still having my hands over her eyes.
"My lovely boyfriend Cody." Gigi said giggling.

I took my hands off that were over her eyes and kiss her. I don't feel the sparks in the kiss as if I used to. I wonder why. After a few more seconds, we broke away from the kiss. I smiled at her and we went in the water.

Ashley POV
"Hey Ashley can I talk to you?" Liam asks.
"Sure." I said.

We walk away from the others. Once we were far enough we stop and I look at Liam.

"Ashley I really like you and I have for a while now." Liam admits.
"I have too." I admit smiling. Liam smile back at me.
"I've been wanting to do this for a while now but I guess now is okay. Ashley Victoria Horan would you be my girlfriend?" Liam ask looking hopeful.

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