Chapter 26: My Life Now

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Ashley POV
“Mommy, Zac is bwing mwan to mw.” My four-year-old daughter, Melody, said.
“Zachary James Simpson, go say sorry to your sister.” I told my five-year-old son.
“I’m sowwy Melody.” He apologizes.
“Hi baby, how’s everything?” Cody said walking in with Zac’s twin, Luke Taylor Simpson.
“Everything is all good.” I said. I heard another cry but it was coming from my arms. My baby girl, Faith Destiny Simpson, wants her daddy.
“I’ll take her for you.” Cody said taking Faith.

I’ve been married for six years now and I have four kids. Cody is still leaving his dream as a musician but I stop the first time I got pregnant with the twins. Zac looks just like Cody while Luke looks just like me. Melody looks like me and Faith looks like Cody. I recently had Faith about a month ago.

“I love you so much baby.” Cody tells me like every day.
“I love you too boo.” I said kissing him.
“I was thinking about having a family day. Take the kids to the beach.” Cody said.
“It sounds perfect. I’ve wanted to go to the beach for a while now.” I said.
“Let’s go get the kids ready.” Cody said.

We get the kids ready for a family day. Cody is my one and only love. My kids mean the world to me. Loving a troublemaker wasn’t so bad for Cody’s part and loving a gentleman was the same for me. This is all I ask for, to be love.

Hey everyone, I really hope you enjoy this story. It was very fun to write for you guys. I know I skip a couple years at the end because I wanted to end the story. I am not going to put up a sequel for this story because I will be working on two new stories that will be coming out soon. Please check out my other story and I will have my two new stories out soon for you guys to read. Thank you for everyone that has been reading. I love all the feedback. Hope everyone isn’t mad at me for ending it so soon but I had to or it will be drag on forever. See you soon everyone


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