Chapter 10: Look Out World

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Ashley POV
I felt my phone vibrate, I look at the caller ID to see that Cody is calling me. I pick it up to see what he wants from me.

"Hello." I answer.
"G'day Ashley. I want you know I saw your performance today on Ellen. You are an amazing singer and my manger wants you to come over." Cody said.
"Sure, how about we meet tomorrow at Olive Garden for lunch like at 12?" I said.
"Okay, we'll see you there. Bye." Cody said.
"See you Cody." I said.

I wonder what his manger wants to talk to me about. I hope it is something good. I'll ask the lads if they want to come along with me. I could get all the support I can get. I walk out of my room to see all of the lads out in the living room watching a movie.

"Hey lads do you want to come with me to Olive Garden tomorrow?" I ask them.
"Sure." They answer.
"Ash would you like to join us?" Liam suggests.
"Nah I'm tired, I'm going to bed, night everyone." I said with a yawn.

I walk back into my room. Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day.

Cody POV
I told Matt what Ashley said and that I was going to tag along. Alli overheard us and she wants to meet Ashley along with the rest of my family. They want to meet the girl that is having a bad crush on. I hope they won't embarrass me in front of Ashley.

"You really like this girl don't you?" Alli asks me.
"Yea I do." I said nodding my head while blushing.
"Good night Codes." She said.
"Night Al." I said in return.

I fell asleep with Ashley being in my dreams.

Ashley POV 
I woke up with Liam shaking me telling me to get up. I look at the clock beside my bed to see it reads 11:11 AM. I made a wish like I always do when it is 11:11 and got ready for my day. I went into the bathroom to do my business. I got dress in a Beach Babe white spaghetti strap tank top, black booty shorts, black Converse, a necklace with two hearts on it, and I had my hair in a fishtail braid. I walk out to see that everyone is ready. We got into a car and drove to Olive Garden.

"How do you feel about what is going to happen today?" Liam asks me.
"I don't know but I really want to find out right now." I said.

No one talks for the rest of the ride. Once we got there, I was able to spot Cody and a guy with brown hair, a little shorter than Cody, and looks in his late twenties. I walk up to them; Cody was the first person to notice me.

"Hey Ashley. This is my manger Matt. My family came with me too but they're already at the table." Cody said.
"Nice too meet you Matt. How about we go inside?" I said.

He nods his head and goes inside. We all follow behind Matt to our table. I wonder why I'm here. Once we got at the table, I saw a woman with brown hair, a man with brown hair, a boy about a few years younger than me with brown hair, and a girl with blonde hair about my age.

"Alli, Tom, mom, and dad this is Ashley, Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Niall. Mates this is my little sister Alli, little brother Tom, mom Angie, and dad Brad." Cody introduces us.

We all greeted ourselves; I sat in between Niall and Liam. After ordering our food, I ask Cody why I was here. Cody was able to answer my question.

"You are here because we saw you on Ellen." Cody said.
"I want to sign you because you have a voice that needs to be heard all over the world." Matt said.
"Thank you for the offer but I let me think about it." I told Matt.
"You should do it Ash." The lads told me.
"This is all too much, just let me think." I said.

Alli POV 
I was able to get to know Ashley as herself and not the badass troublemaker Ashley. She is so different but she puts up an act. It surprises me that we just became good friends. Mom, dad, and Tom seem to like her too.

"Matt I think I'll take you up on that offer." Ashley said smiling.
"Awesome how about we meet tomorrow and let's see what Shawn thinks of you." Matt suggests.
"Sure." She said.
"Look out world my little sis is going to be kicking butts in the music industry." Niall said cracking everyone up.
"It is nice to meet everyone but we must go." Ashley said.

We bid our goodbyes but before Ashley, left we exchange numbers so we're able to talk to each other.

Ashley POV 
I can't believe this is happening to me. A girl that was once bullied, that became a badass and now she going to be a super star. The lads are happy especially Liam and Niall. Tonight, Liam and I are going out on a date. I can't wait because this is my very first date. Man I sound like a girly girl. The date doesn't start until 6 pm and right now, it is only 2 pm. I have some time to kill. There was a pool at the hotel so I decide to go chill at the pool. I pull on a bikini with black and white polka dot. I grab a towel, my room keys, and phone before I walk out the door. There weren’t many people there just a few people. I set everyone on a chair and jump into the water.

"Hey you seem lonely, do you mind if I hang out with you?" A guy about Harry’s age asks me.
"Yea sure I don't mind." I said.
"I'm Zachary but you can call me Zach." He introduces himself.
"Ashley, Ashley Horan." I said like James Bond.
"I've heard of you, aren't you Niall Horan's sister that is Ireland badass and can sing." Zach says.
"It's all true." I confirm.
"Wow you are like awesome." Zach says.
"Thanks." I said.

We hang out in the pool until 4:30 pm. I told him that I had to go so I can get ready for my date. We exchange numbers to stay connected. I'm happy that I'm able to make new friends in America. Soon I will be leaving them in a month so the lads can start their world tour. I know that Cody is one of their acts that are going with them but I don't know about the other one. I went back to the room going straight to the bathroom to get rid of the smell of chemicals all over my body. Liam told me to where something nice. Therefore, I got dress in a strapless dress that is white on top and black on the bottom, black flats, my necklace that I don't take off that has two hearts on it and my hair in messy curls. I heard a knock at my door. There stood Liam in his outfit as he had in their One Thing music video.

"Wow Ashley you look so beautiful tonight." Liam said handing me a single red rose.
"I should say the same to you." I said giving him a wink at the end.
"Come let's go." Liam said taking my hand.

We walk out to find a limo waiting for us. We talk and joke around all the way to the restaurant. Once I step out of the Liam, I spot a fancy restaurant like a five star one.

"Wow Liam I'm speechless." I said.
"It just started come on." Liam said taking my hand. We walk in to the desk in front.
"May have your name." A girl with a British accent and is about Liam's age ask us.
"Payne, P-a-y-n-e." He answers.
"Oh my gosh Liam." She looks up staring at him. 

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