Positive & Negative Rekindling.

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July 7th

Issa's Point of View ~ Monday, 5:43pm

Pulling into the driveway, I already noticed all the cars lined up in the yard. We're having an extended family dinner tonight. When I say extended, I mean extended. The Broadnaxs plus annoying one will be here, the Songzs, the Johnsons and Deja is bringing Jerome and Drea. Literally everybody is here for the dinner but I don't know why Milla invited that girlfriend of Jac's or decided to invited Jac or Trey at all because it ain't like they're on the best of terms with each other after that brawl over at Jac's house. Anyway, I'll just see how this goes. Jerome and I may just be breaking up a fight this evening if all goes left.

Getting out of my car, I locked it and walked up to the front door that was open. Inside the living room sat the Songzs. Trey immediately stood and we did a little bro hug before I dapped up TJ and gave Bre a little hug. The new addition, T'Asia, wasn't too friendly but frankly, I didn't expect her to be. She doesn't know us that well. I swear, you could see Zonnique all over her. Thank God Zonnique ain't ugly. I headed into the kitchen where my baby stood, giving Candace a bottle. "My babies..." I kissed her cheek and she handed Candace to me, knowing I wanted to hold my princess. She giggled at the sight of her ugly, old dad.

Milla spoke, "Guess who's in town already?" I raised an eyebrow and looked over at her, hoping she wasn't meaning who I thought she meant. If so, that could raise a whole lot of unnecessary hell in this house. She gave me a nervous smile and nodded, "Yeah, her tour ended Friday. The close out show was in Madison Square Gardens." I shook my head because I already knew how this was going to end. I was silently hoping that Jac and Toya would be cordial in front of all these kids but with Cheyenne in the mix, that might not happen. The doorbell rang so I sat the bottle down and placed Candace in her little seat thingy on the counter. All I know is that it snaps out of her car seat.

Heading over to the door, I opened it and there stood Deja, Jerome and Drea. I gave Deja a hug before dapping up Jerome. I tugged at Drea's braids before giving her a hug, just as Jac's truck pulled into the driveway behind my car. Good Lord, help us. I walked out and picked up RJ who came running out. "What's up, little man?" The twins came out of the back looking all grown, just like Drea. I mean, they are growing up but damn, I remember when they were born. I guess I'll be saying the same thing about Candace in years to come. They walked over and I shared a hug with both of them before they went inside. All I could hear was girly screams as they came in contact with Drea. Shaking my head, I watched as Jac and Cheyenne finally got out. He walked over and we did a bro hug but Cheyenne went inside as if this was her house. Alright, b-***.

Jac spoke, "What's good, man?" I nodded in response, "You and Trey gon' be b-tching tonight or are yall going to settle this like guys who have been best friends since high school?" He ran a hand down the side of his face, "I feel bad about the whole thing. I said some messed up sh-t and I need to fix that." Good Lord, Jac has sense now. I nodded, "Well let's get to gettin'." We headed inside and Milla immediately ushered the kids into the dining room where we'd be eating. Thank God I invested in that long table. Trey stood and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Jac did the same as everyone watched. We all knew about what went down but that sh-t ain't about to repeat itself, especially not in my house where my furniture means a lot to me. No sir. Jac sighed, "Look, man." He paused, looking around Trey at Bre.

"You need to hear this too. I'm sorry for disrespecting y'all and for causing that whole issue at the house the other day. You two are always there for my family and I and instead of going off, I should've appreciated your concern. I apologize for that." Trey let out a chuckle, "I'm sorry too, man. I disrespected your girl and all you did was be good to her by standing up for her like that. I'd do the same for Bre. Sh-t, that's why we fought in the first place, huh?" Everyone was laughing at that point. The three of them hugged it out as Cheyenne stepped out of the hall bathroom. The whole vibe was killed. Good way to brighten up a room. Amazing. Bravo. She spoke, already having an attitude with everyone in the room, "What?" Jac blew out a breath and turned to me, opening his mouth. I already knew what he was going to say, "A beer? Sure." He needed one. Hell, I'd need one too if she was my girl.

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