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I stood there frozen in that same spot still thinking about her.
I was supposed to leave after my set, but now I kind of didn't want to.

"Booty, you ready to go?"Tina, my choreographer asked.
"Not yet T. Hold up."I said, distracted.

I walked up to the monitor and watched her. Her singing voice was even more sensual then her talking voice.

"T-Tina. Come here please."I commanded, with my eyes still glued to the monitor.

"What's up booty?"She asked.

"Who is this?"I pointed to the monitor.

She watched the screen and laughed.

"Oh that's Baby Face's new artist. I've heard about her. I can't remember her name though."she bubbled, trying to think.

I turned around to continue watching the monitor, but she was gone. I had missed the rest of her performance.

Damn it.

Discouraged, I turned around to walk out of the arena, her sultry voice caressed my ears once again.

I knew it was her, I had never heard anything like it.

"Hey. You were amazing out there."I smiled, walking up to her.

"Thank you. You were better though."She chuckled.

"Not even. You sung your ass off out there girl."I waved her off.

"Well thank you. That means a lot coming from a legend like you."She smiled.

Was she flirting with me? Probably not? She probably isn't even into that type of thing.

"Keep performing like that and you'll be legendary too."I smiled.

"Hey. You gotta change and get back to your seat."The stage manager said.

"Oh okay. I'll be right there."She sighed and started to walk away.

"Hey. Wait. What's your name."I asked, tugging at her arm.

"Toni. Toni Braxton."She smiled and walked away.

That named fit her, it was so sultry and edgy, like her.

She was a mystery, that I wanted to uncover. I had so many questions, so many things I wanted to know about her.

How old is she?
Where is she from?
What was her favorite color?
What was she afraid of?

I wanted to know everything.

"J? You alright? You been standing here like you've seen a ghost or something."Shawn, a dancer of mine said.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine."I sighed.

"Let's go."I said, finally coming out of the minor trance she had me in.

We all walked out to my tour bus and settled in. We had just finished rehearsals from my upcoming tour and came straight here.

"Booty, can we please goto the after party?"Tish, another one of my dancers asked.

"I don't know Tish. I don't know if I feel up to it?"I sighed.

"Aww come on booty. We been rehearsing all month. Let's have some fun."Tina poked my sighed.

"Yeah J, come on please?"Shawn begged.

They all jumped up and down on the bed that I was sitting on.

"Please booty. Pleaseeeee!!"They all begged.

"Alright alright fine. We'll go. You guys better be at my driveway in an hour or we're not going anywhere."I scolded.

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