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After I took a shower and put on some more comfortable clothes, I called Toni back to get her address and headed to her house.

On my way there, I could have sworn I saw someone following me, but the I didn't see anybody anymore so maybe I was tripping.

I got out of my car and walked up to Toni's door, knocking on it softly.

She didn't come to the door, so I knocked a little harder so that I knew for sure she heard the door.

"Hey Janet."Toni smirked, opening the door.

"How you doing?"I chuckled, walking through her door. I wasn't really in the mood for talking. I knew what exactly what I came for and it wasn't talking.

"I'm great, I loved the movie you did a great job."She smiled and sat down next to me on her couch.

"Thank you. I'm glad you liked it."I chuckled.

"Would you like something to eat? Some wine, water?"Toni asked.

"Oh No thank you. I'm fine."I smiled and waved her off.

"I don't usually know how this goes, but we can goto my room if you want to."She shrugged.

Now we're getting somewhere.

"We definitely can do that."I laughed.

She got up from the couch and motioned me to follow her. I followed her down the hallway to red room with a black bedding set.

She just sat on the bed, staring at me. Her not knowing what to do was make this way more awkward than it had to be.

To start off I leaned in and kissed her softly to see how she'd react. Once I pulled back, she blushed and looked away like she was in deep thought.

She then leaned in and kiss me again, but she tried to give me one of those schoolyard kisses that you do so your classmates won't see.

I grabbed her face and kissed her hungrily, letting her know what was about to go down.

I hadn't done this in a long time, so I might've been a little rusty, but she wouldn't notice. She's never done this before.

I ran my hands down her back, grabbing the hem of her T-shirt then pulled it over her head.

I pushed her down, so that she was laying on the bed and pulled off her shorts too.

I ran my finger down her forehead all the way down to her pretty little pink panties, she flinched when I touched it. That made me laugh.

"You sure this is what you want right?"I asked before going any further. I wanted to make sure she hadn't changed her mind.

"Yes I'm sure."She whispered with her eyes closed.

I unclasped her bra, pulling it off of her and throwing it on the floor.

I started to circle my tongue around her nipple then stopped, making her open her eyes quickly.

I would be me if I didn't tease her just a little bit. I did the same thing to other one and moved down to her stomach , biting on it gently.

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