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"I had to come see you baby girl."He chuckled.

"I asked you not to call me that. How do you know where I live anyway?"I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry about that. I'm upset with you. I saw you leave the party with him."He shook his head and clutched onto his chest as if he was hurt.

"You slept with him huh? I know you did."He sighed.

"Bobby. Please leave my house, I told you I'm not feeling you that way."I sighed.

"You don't mean that Janet. You know we had a good time."he chuckled.

"Please, you didn't even make me cum a little bit."I scoffed and started to walk to my door and he followed me.

"Let me try again."he wrapped his arms around my waist and tried to kiss me.

I pushed him away and slammed my door in his face.

I needed him to stop this or I'd have to call my best friend to take care of him.


"Where you going booty?"Tish stood in my doorway watching me as I zipped up my shirt.

"You know my premiere is tonight for Poetic Justice."I said finger combing my hair.

I looked at myself in my full length mirror before turning to walk out.

"How do I look?"I asked Tish, still looking at myself. I've always found myself kind of attractive but today I looked really good.

"Good, love that shirt."Tish smiled and nodded her head in approval.

"Thank you."I smiled back.

"You got time to listen to my story?"Tish beamed.

I knew she had left the party with someone, she always was a little loose, but aren't we all?

"Yeah, I have time."I laughed and sat at the edge of my bed.

"So, you know that I was talking to Devante from Jodeci right?"She asked.

"Mhmm."I responded, looking down at my nails.

"Well, I ended up going back to his hotel with him, you know because he's from New York. He got us champagne and grapes and all that."She blushed.

"Get to the interesting part. What did you two do?"I waved her off.

I didn't want to hear all the unnecessary details. I still had somewhere to be.

"Well you know, we started to get into it. Ripping each other's clothes off and shit."She laughed.

"Was it big?"I asked, putting my hands over my face.

"It was average, but he knew what to do with it."She giggled and stuck out her tongue.

"As fine as he is, he better know what to do with it."I laughed.

"What about you though? I saw you leave with Pac."She laughed.

"Are y'all still, you know?"She laughed.

"Girl, I just got a little sick and he helped me home. That's it."I lied.

"Mmhm whatever ever you say boo. I'm staying home tonight, so Ima see who come with you."She laughed.

"And what if I go with them?"I laughed grabbing my keys.

"Bye Tish."I continued laughing and met my driver outside.

He opened my door and let me in the car , then we went to pick up Pac.

John thought it would be a good idea for us to come together, you know since we got together in the movie. He has no idea of our history, So I understand why he thought that would be good.

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