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"I'm glad you could make it Janet."She smiled.

"Cut the bullshit Lana. I know what's going on."I crossed my arms.

"I mean, you could have just told me that you wanted her. I would have let you have her."I chuckled.

"Oh really, would you have let me have Tupac too?"She raised her eyebrow.

"Or Bobby, or Shawn. Huh Janet?"She yelled.

"Lana, what do yo mean? I'm like so confused."I laughed.

"Clearly there's a problem here that I'm not seeing. We're friends right? Talk to me."I pulled out a chair and sat down at her table.

She got up and started walking around the table, pacing like I had pissed her off.

"Janet you are the problem. You're such a hoe, you don't even realize it."She yelled.

"Excuse me? Lana don't lose your shit because you're upset and start talking crazy to me. Since when has who I'm sleeping with ever been your business?"I asked.

"When you started fucking everyone that I wanted."She sighed.

"Everyone always wants you. What about me huh?"She yelled.

"Last year, when you started filming for Poetic Justice, I told you that I thought Pac was cute. You said that you would put me on and what did you? You started fucking him. Cheating on your fucking husband to fuck him."She yelled.

"Rene didn't just up and leave. Rene left you because he knew you were fucking Tupac."She chuckled.

"And you know how he knew? I told him. Showed him a video actually and then I fucked him."She continued laughing.

I started to get upset. I thought we were friends , how could she do this?

"You bitch. You're that jealous of me? Hmm maybe I should have fucked you instead. You gotta be tired of not getting any."I laughed.

"Don't try to act like you're not hurt Janet. You were in shambles when he left you. I see why you started cheating though, the dick was kinda wack."She continued laughing.

Before I knew it I lunged at her and tried to hit her. She then pulled a gun out of her back pocket and pointed it at me.

"Sit your ass down, or that famous smile won't be so famous anymore."She growled.

"Sit."she commanded, pointing the gun at the chair I once was sitting in.

"Now let me finish what I have to say."She laughed.

"Months later, I told you that Bobby was peeping me at a party. Then he sees you and asks you out in front of me. Then you fucked him too."She laughed and shook her head.

"Then comes your dancer Shawn, I thought she was cute too, but you had already got to her. I shouldn't have really been mad about that, but I am."She smiled.

"Now finally, there's Toni. For months I've had a crush on her. I was waiting on the right day to tell her and you just snatched her right up. Only to do her dirty and hurt her."She crossed her arms.

"So because of that. I plotted for months, to let everyone know what kind of person you are and I'm not done. I have much more audio and video to put out."She smiled.

"Look. I understand that you're upset with me, but that's no reason to ruin my career and and yours in the process."I sighed.

"You won't have a career after this Janet, because this is your last night on earth. Any parting words?"She smiled and pointed her gun at me once again.

"See, you won't either Lana. If you kill me right now, everyone will know. Bobby and Michael are outside listening to everything we're saying right now."I chuckled.

"You're gonna goto jail for a long time boo. Slander, Character Defamation, Stalking, Breaking and Entering, and now you wanna add Murder?"I scratched my head.

"Not only is it Murder but premeditated murder. You will rot in prison if you shoot me."I laughed and pointed at her.

"You wouldn't do that. I know you wouldn't."She started breathing heavily as if she was scared.

"Even if you don't shoot me, you could still goto Jail. So this is what you're gonna do, burn those tapes. All of them and you're going to pay messy ass Wendy Williams to stop talking about Tupac and I"I said getting up from the chair

I then grabbed a cloth from her table and grabbed her gun, throwing it into her trash can.

"I should really kick you in the face for fucking my husband, but if you really must know I stopped having sex with him long before I started sleeping with Tupac. I hope you all used protection."I winked.

"Wait what? Why?"She asked worried.

"He likes to play with boys."I laughed and walked out of her door.

If only she knew how dumb she looked. If she wanted Toni she could have her and for all I care Tupac could go back to Kidada.

I need to focus on me, and my tour.

Janet meets up with Bobby.

He tells her everything.

Lyte calls Janet and say she wants to meet up.

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