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"Toni."I whispered.

"Toni."I whispered again.

"Hmm?"she hummed.

"I'm gonna go okay. I'll see you later."I whispered.

"Okay hun. Call me later."She whispered with her eyes closed.

I grabbed my stuff and tiptoed out her door, even though she knew I was leaving.

I got in my car and sped home as fast as I could legally. I was tired and I was torn because of what Toni had said last night.

It really fucked with me.

When I walked in, Tish was sitting in the front room watching something that I couldn't make out.

"Pac called."she said.

"What'd he say?"I asked.

"He told me to ask why you wasn't answering your cell and that since you make cell phone commercials you should know how to pick up your damn phone. He also said to call him."She laughed, trying to make her voice low and raspy like Pac's.

"You must put it on him good. He always calling this house going off on you."She laughed.

"He's just crazy, that's all."I waved her off.

"Yeah, crazy for you."she laughed

"You are too much."I laughed.

"Where were you last night?"she asked.

"None of your business."I laughed.

"Come on boo. Don't hold out on me."she sighed.

"I'll tell you later. I'm promise."I chuckled.

"I bet you taking your ass up there to call Pac though."She laughed.

She was right, I was going to call him.

I took off my clothes from last night and stood in the shower letting the hot water run on me. Cleaning off all terrible things I had done last night.

I cleaned myself off and called Pac when I got out of the shower, putting it on speaker.

"Wassup?"He answered.

"Well good afternoon to you too."I laughed.

"Tish told me what you said."I chuckled.

"I'm glad you found that funny."he said sarcastically.

"Eww why do you have an attitude?"I rolled my eyes.

"I don't, I was doing something. What you about to do though?"he asked.

"Nothing until later, I have rehearsals for my tour."I said.

"Come to my studio. I got something for you."He said, coughing a little bit. I knew exactly what he was doing.

"Okay. Nobody's there right?"I asked.

"Nah man. It just me."he said like he was irritated.

"Okay, don't yell at me. I'm coming."I sighed.

"Hurry up."he hung up the phone before I could say anything else.

I hated when he got this way, he could be rather rude, I probably deserved that though.

I threw on one of my t-shirts and some tights and started to walk out my room.

"Where you going?"Tish asked.

"Studio."I responded dryly, walking out of the door.

Whatever this was I was doing had me moving around a lot.

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