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"Come on Jay. It's time to go watch the movie."Pac said, grabbing my hand.

"You coming Toni?"I asked, jumping off of the chair.

"Y'all can go, I'm gonna go sit with Lana."She shrugged.

I let go of Pac's hand walked behind him into the theater. The cast had a special section at the top. Pac and I sat in the middle and Regina sat next to me.

"You ready to see yourself?"Pac asked.

The lights went down and the beginning of the movie started to play.

"No, I hate to watch myself. It's so weird."I sighed.

Watching my own videos and me on tv period was so weird to me. I could never congratulate myself, I always have to find something I did wrong.

I cringed when my face up on the screen and I cringed even more when I started to scream and cry I couldn't stand that.

"You did real good on this part. I thought only I could make you scream that loud."Pac whispered in my ear.

"Shut up."I laughed, punching him in the chest.

"You better shut up before somebody hears you. If anybody ask me Ima just deny it."I laughed and shrugged.

"That's alright. I know the truth."He laughed.

Nobody knew about our activities, not John, the producers, our co-stars, nobody but me, him and Tish. The only reason she knows is because she lives with me. If she didn't her ass wouldn't know either.

Luckily Shannon (Keisha) and her parents were sitting next to Pac, so if she heard anything he said she wouldn't know what it meant anyway.

"You could never be this mean to me in real life."Pac laughed.

"Yes I could. Try me Ima show your ass."I laughed.

I heard somebody smack their lips and twisted my head.

"Damn I know y'all excited and shit but can y'all shut the fuck up?"Joe smacked his lips.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head back to the screen.
"Shut your black ass up. We can talk if we want to."Pac smacked his lips.

"Thanks."I giggled and continued watching the movie. He was always ready to stand up for me.

I couldn't help but laugh at the part where Pac and I were cursing each other out. That scene was so hard to shoot because I kept laughing. I wasn't used to hearing myself curse at the time.

"Remember you kept laughing on this part?"Pac laughed.

"Yeah, it was weird for me."I laughed.

"How you think it would be if we made a sex scene?"He asked.

"It would be weird. I don't know how we could fake sex."I chuckled.

"Shit you know how to fake sex. Don't forget you let me hear that little Throb song. Them moans sound real. Shit I would know."He laughed.

I knew people were probably upset because we were taking through the movie but who cares? We were having a good time and reminiscing about the movie we made.

"Shut up. You always playing."I laughed.

"You know I'm not playing."he whispered into my ear and bit it.

He needs to stop playing with me in here before he turns me on even more than he did in the limo.

"I got tired of wearing that damn outfit. Especially on this part, it was so hot out there."I sighed.

"Forreal though, then we had on long sleeves."He laughed.

I could hear Regina sighing and smacking her lips every time he said something to me. For some reason, I don't feel like she likes us very much. She was very distant on set and she barely said anything to me. I couldn't have the slightest idea why though, because I haven't done anything to her.

Finally the movie was over and we all walked out of the theater.

"Ima wait for you at the limo aight?"Pac whispered and I nodded.

Toni and Lana started walking towards me and Lana had her arm wrapped around her. I wasn't really feeling that, but I couldn't mad because like I told Pac, she's not my girlfriend.

"Hey Toni, I'll call you when I get home okay. You know about what we talked about."I winked.

"Oh you want me to meet you later?"She asked.

"Yeah, I have to get in the limo with Pac, so I'll see you later."I smiled.

"Okay. I'll be expecting the call."she smirked at me and I walked away.

I walked out to Limo and the driver opened the door for me.

"Thank you."I smiled, sliding into the car.

He closed the door and Pac put his arm around me since the partition was down.

"You good?"he asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"I replied.

"No reason, I'm just asking."he laughed.

"You like how the movie came out?"I asked.

"Of course. I was in it and you were  in it."he laughed.

"Cocky ass."I chuckled.

"We need to make us a different kind a movie."he whispered.

"You're so nasty."I giggled.

"What kind of best friend are you if you're always trying to freak on me."I laughed.

"The special kind. You like it, you know you do."He laughed.

"I don't recall."I shrugged.

"Yeah right. Ima remind you later."he smiled and bit his lip.

"Ohhh, about that."I responded in a high pitched voice.

"What Jay?"he smacked his lips.

"I'm tired Pac. I'm gonna home okay. Can I come see you tomorrow."I asked, rubbing his arm.

"You always doing me like this Jay."He smacked his lips and snatched his arm away.

"You wanna see me on your time and that's not gone work for me Jay."he pulled his arm from around me and looked away.

"Pac."I whined.

"I'm gonna make it up to you. Don't be like that."I sighed.

"Don't let me find you was with Toni or Bobby. Ima kick your ass."he pointed at me before getting out of the car.

I knew he was a little upset, because he didn't hug me like he usually does whenever one of us leaves.

He closed the door and the driver pulled off swiftly to my house.

I knew we had arrived when the car stopped and he came around to open my door.

"Thank you."I smiled, climbing out of the car. I walked into the house and started to take off my clothes at the door.

I need to take me a little shower.

Before I got into the shower, I dialed Toni's number to see what she wanted to do.

I knew she was home, because me and Pac always told the driver to take the long way whenever we were in the car together. Just in case the paparazzi try to follow us.

"Hello."I sung into the phone.

"Hi Janet."She laughed.

"Whatcha doing?"I asked.

"I just got home. What about you?"She asked.

"I'm gonna take a shower. What do you want to do?"I asked, getting straight to the point.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever you want to do."She replied.

"Okay, I'll come to you. Give me and hour."I said before hanging up. I don't have time to beat around the bush.

Sorry if this chapter was boring, but the heat is coming. I PROMISE!!!

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