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Good morning everybody this ya girl Wendy Williams and I've got something steamy for you all today. Last night one of my sources sent me some interesting audio. I'm not even gonna say anything, Ima just let you all hear it.

Mmm Pac, damn.

Tell me how much you like fucking me.

I love it. Fuck I love it.

I know you do. That's why you don't give it nobody else.

Mmm. Uh oh my god.

Damn Jay your moans sound like music.


I know I know. You don't have to tell me.

You heard it here first everybody. Pac and Janet or "Jay" as he calls her , getting real busy.

I wanna know what you all think about this. Call In, I wanna hear it.


"Man. I gottta bone to pick with you."Snoop said, as Pac walked into the room.

"For real though. That nigga gotta be the luckiest nigga alive."Dre laughed.

"What the fuck you niggas talking about?"Pac furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nigga you hitting Janet Jackson. That's what we talking about."Snoop laughed.

"Nah man, that's my homegirl. We don't even get down like that."Pac laughed.

"So she must have moaning some other nigga named Pac that sounds just like you."Dre laughed.

"What you talking about?"Pac asked, he was confused.

"Oh shit. He really don't know."Snoop said.

Dre got up and put on the audio and turned it up so Pac could hear.

You could hear everything, Janet's moans, Pac's grunts their skin colliding and even their conversation after they were done.

When the audio went off, Pac just sat there rubbing his forehead with his finger tips.

"Where did you get that?"he snarled.

"Wendy Williams aired it on her show this morning. I don't know where she got it."Snoop shrugged.

"Jay gone think I did this shit man."He breathed, rubbing his head.

"You fucked her in the studio nigga? Oh shit."Dre was wilding out.

"Yeah man."Pac sighed.

"Her thigh or something must have hit the record button when I threw her up there. I don't know man."he sighed deeply.

"Up where?"Dre asked, excitedly.

"Threw her up onto the sound board, but I don't know how it could have gotten recorded or who could have gave it to her messy ass." He was pacing back and forth trying to figure this out.

"Is her booty as soft as it looks?"Dre laughed.

"Yeah nigga it's soft."Pac shook his head.

He was upset and all this nigga could think about was Janet's ass. Janet's ass is what got him in this situation in the first place.

"Nigga you being real weird right now. Do I ask you about Michel'le and all them other chicken heads you fuck on?"Pac said, highly irritated and pissed.

"Nigga you act like Janet you girl or something. You can't even tell nobody that you with her."Dre laughed.

"Man fuck you. What if Dada hear that shit?"Snoop laughed.

"She gone be mad, I swore up and down I wasn't fucking Janet. Me and Janet been fucking since our second month on set."Pac added.

"Was she easy?"Snoop asked.

"Hell no. She was acting all shy and shit the first time. "he chuckled.

"I'll see you niggas later though. I gotta talk to her."Pac said, walking out of the door.


"Girl I'm not playing with you."She laughed at Lana who was trying to spray her with a water gun.

She had invited her and some other friends over for a girls day. Over the time that Lana and Toni had spent together, she developed a little crush on her. She was so jealous when Janet said she liked her because Janet always got what she wanted, even if she didn't deserve it and she definitely didn't deserve Toni.

She knew how much Toni liked Janet and She knew that Janet was fucking Pac. Everybody knew and that audio just proved it. They weren't being as secretive as they thought.

"You aight T?"Lana asked.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"Toni replied.

She hadn't heard it either.

"No reason, did you have fun today?"Lana asked.

"Yess, your friends are really nice and funny. I had a great time."She smiled.

"I'm glad you had fun. My friends like you too."she chuckled.

"So what happened with you and Janet?"Lana asked.

"She came over the other night."Toni blushed.

"Did y'all?"Lana raised her eyebrow.

"Yes. It was amazing. I've never felt like that before."She laughed.

"So do you really like Janet or did you just want to live out that little fantasy?"she asked.

"Because that's exactly what she's doing with you."she thought to herself.

"I really like her Lana. She's great?"she smiled.

"I have something to tell you Toni."Lana sighed.

"What?"Toni asked.

"Toni, I've loved you since I met you. I never said anything because I didn't think you'd like that. I thought you wouldn't be into women."she nervously bit her lip.

"Why are you telling me this now?"Toni sighed.

"Because Janet is not who you need to fall for and I'm being honest. Janet is my friend and I love her, but you need to leave her alone."Lyte said, honestly.

"Why?"Toni stood up, getting upset.

"Are you jealous Lana?"Toni asked in a very soft voice.

"Janet doesn't know what to do with someone like you Toni."Lana sighed.

"Stop talking in circles Lana. What are you trying to say?"Toni yelled.

"Janet can't be with you, because she's fucking Pac Toni. She's doesn't want to choose between you and him. Open yours eyes Toni, can't you see you're being used?"Lana semi-yelled, instantly regretting what she said.

"N-no she isn't. She told me she wasn't. S-she said they were only friends."Toni effused, becoming sad.

"Why would she lie to me?"Toni sighed.

"Because she ain't shit. Like I said earlier, that's my girl and I love her but she's dirty and she's been that way since her divorce."Lana said.

"If she's your friend, how come you didn't take her side?"Toni asked.

"Because I want you."Lana said, leaning in to kiss Toni.

"Lana no."Toni sighed.

Lana wanted Toni to not want Janet. Everybody always wanted Janet, couldn't she ever get some action?

She played the audio for Toni and she could she the rage in her eyes.

She was upset, so upset that she turned and crashed her lips into Lana's.

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