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⚠️ Long Chapter Alert 🚨

"Wassup Toni?"Pac scratched the back of his head.

"I knew it. She's such a liar."Toni sighed.

"Janet is upstairs, did you want to come in?"Pac asked, moving out of the way so that she could come in.

She walked in and he closed the door. Tish just sat on the couch oblivious to the situation. She had no idea what was going on.

Pac walked into my room and Toni walked in behind me.

When I saw her , I could have died. My mouth went dry and I lost my whole train of thought. I knew I would have to talk to her but not this soon.

"Hey Toni."I said in a high pitched voice.

"Cut the crap Janet. I know what's going on."Toni said with an attitude.

"Why are you upset?"Janet asked.

"Because you lied to me Janet. You lied to my face."She snarled.

"Why does it matter if I'm sleeping with him? We're not together neither are me and him."I shrugged.

Pac chuckled and sat down in my bed, making the situation worst.

"So you mean to tell me that if I was FUCKING someone else and you asked me about it and I lied, you wouldn't get mad?"She semi-yelled with her hand on her hip.

"Nope, that's not my business because you're not my girlfriend."I laughed getting up off of the bed.

"I don't understand why I can't just have both of you."I said walking up to her.

"I mean, do we have to be in a relationship to have a good time."I whispered in her ear and I saw the goosebumps raising on her skin.

Clearly she still wants me.

I looked at Pac and he winked at me, like he was saying go for it.

I walked in a circle around her and started to kiss on her neck, making her gasp.

I then started to run finger across her nipple through her shirt.

"J-Janet stop."She breathed.

I traced my other hand down her stomach and into her pants to see if she was wet.

"You sure you want me to stop. Your body is telling me otherwise."I whispered, licking her ear.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my bed, pushing her down.

"Close the door Pac."I said.

I needed the door closed before anything went down. Tish didn't need to hear this.

He closed the door and watched as I teased Toni.

He walked up and started to grip my ass while I kissed Toni.

I left her shirt on and pulled her pants down her leg.

Pac stood there biting his lip as flicked my tongue against Toni's clit.

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