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"Alright see you guys later."I waved to the kids as I got into the van with my driver.  I knew rehearsal was going to be tiring today, so I didn't drive.

"Come on Tish."I yelled out of the window. She always takes forever, I'm ready to go.

She ran up to the car and got in next to me and laid down.

"You ready for this tour boo?"Tish asked.

"No but I'm going to have to get ready."I sighed.

"It starts in November right?"Tish asked.

"Yup. We have four more months."I replied.

"I know the fans are ready, isn't the first show sold out already?"Tish asked.

"Yeah. It sold out literally in a matter of minutes."I laughed.

Anthony opened the door for them, and they got out of the car.

The two of them walked up the driveway to Janet's front door.

"Boo, you see that?"Tish asked.

"See what?"I asked, puzzled.

"That box. I must be tripping."Tish said.

I turned around to look and there was in fact a box sitting on my stairs.

I had no idea who it could be from, all of my packages goto my p.o box and Joey picks them up to make sure they were safe.

"Are you going to grab it?"Tish asked.

"No, what if it's a bomb or something."I sighed.

"If it was a bomb, the house would blow up. Ain't no telling how long it's been here."Tish assured.

The both of we're looking at the ground when we heard the skid of tires and loud rap music. I looked up quickly because I was already scared.

It was only Pac though. I forgot I told him to come over. He got out of the car and started to walk towards me.

"What's going on? Why y'all standing outside?"he asked

I pointed at the box and he picked it up and carried it into the house.

"Want me to open it for you?"Pac asked.

"Please. I'm kinda scared to open it."I sighed, scratching my head.

Pac sat the box on the table and pulled a little pocket knife out of his back pocket, slitting the top of the box.

"Why do you have that?"I gasped.

"Worried bout the wrong thing Jay."he laughed pulling the box open.

There were three tapes with a post it note on and of them and a letter.

"What is it?"I asked, sitting down on the other side of the table.

"Tapes, and a letter."Pac furrowed his eyebrows, I was just as confused.

"Read it."I sighed.

I've been watching you Mrs.Jackson and you haven't been good.

If you keep being bad, I have some things to tell, I'll be silent if you listen.

Listen to the tapes, they all have something different on them. This is your warning to cooperate, if not, people will know how bad you are.

"Who is this from?"Pac asked.

"I don't know."I sighed.

"Do you want to listen to the tapes?"Pac asked.

"Yeah, the radio is upstairs."I replied. I was afraid of whatever I was going to hear. There could be anything on these tapes.

He grabbed the box and followed me upstairs to my guest room where I kept the radio.

He put the first tape in and it was us, from earlier. How would somebody have this already?

"Do you know this shit was on the radio this morning?"Pac asked.

"What?"I snarled.

"Are you fucking serious Pac?"I sighed.

"Yes. Have you noticed anybody suspicious lately? Has anyone been following you?"He asked.

"Somebody was following me yesterday. I thought I lost them though."I sighed.

I was so afraid that I was about to piss. My whole body was shaking, somebody was watching me.

"Is that the only time?"he asked.

"No people follow me all the time. I thought it was crazy fans or something."holding my face in my hands.

What if my mother heard that? What if Toni heard that after I lied and told her that I wasn't fucking Pac.

Pac took the tape out of the radio, replacing it with one of the other ones. That one was us too.

It was from awhile ago, so whoever this was that was following me had to be following me for a very long time.

How come you're always here with me if you love her so much?

Because you need me.

She needs you too.

I'm with you right now though. I should kill that nigga for leaving you. Do you miss him?

I did at first, but not anymore.

Because of me?

You could say that.

You love me Janet?


"Turn it off please."I sighed. I knew what was next. We argued that night, we fought that night.

I didn't want to hear it.

"Why didn't you tell me that somebody was following you? I could've done something or tried to."He sighed.

"I didn't think it would get this serious. What are we gonna do?"I bit my lip nervously.

"What are people going to say? They're going to applaud you because you're a man. People are going to call me a slut." I cried.

"What about my tour? What if people don't want to see me anymore."I took a deep breath, lacing my fingers in my hair.

This was too much for a matter of minutes, way too much.

"Maybe if we go public as a couple it'll change things. We can sue Wendy Williams ugly ass for playing that audio and I'll have some people go by her studio."Pac consoled me, putting his arms around me.

"What about Kidada?"I asked, looking up at him.

"We're not together, what did I tell you before? I'll always be here when you need me and right now you need me."He shrugged.

"What about Toni though? What you gonna tell her. I know she's probably heard it by now."he said.

"I don't know. I have no idea what I'm going to tell her. I lied to her."I breathed.

"You and Toni have nothing to do with me. You did that on your own, so you gotta talk to her."Pac said.

"I know." I stood up pacing the floor.

"I think someone is knocking on your door."Pac said.

"I hear it. You answer it. What if it somebody trying to do something to me?"My voice shook. I was scared.

Pac ran downstairs and open the door swiftly.

It was Toni.

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