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"Wait what did you say?"Toni asked, looking up at me as if she was confused.

"I said do you want to find out?"I said slowly, making sure she heard every word I had said.

She switched in her seat as if she was uncomfortable and I immediately started to regret what I said.

"I've never been with a woman before."She said innocently and tucked her short hair behind her ear.

"There's a first time for everything."I said seductively, biting my lip.

She has no idea what's in store for her.

"Um I don't know if we should do that. Besides, we barely even know each other."She chuckled.

"Well that's not hard. We have lots of time to get to know each other. We could start now."I laughed.

The waiter walked over to us and asked if we were ready to order. I just ordered a water so he can go away and Toni ordered Coffee.

"Well, my name is Toni Michele Braxton, I'm 23 and I have 4 sisters and a brother."She shrugged.

"Also, my birthday is in October and Ima PK."she laughed.

"A PK?"I asked puzzled. I had never heard that before.

"Yeah, it's surprising right."She laughed.

"Well I'd be able to answer that if I knew what a PK was."I laughed, taking a sip of my water.

"Ohh. It means Preacher's Kid."She chuckled.

"A Preacher's kid? What's that like?"I asked.

"It's fairly stressful. For awhile, I couldn't wear pants. I couldn't listen to certain music, I had to sneak and listen to my favorite songs."She continued laughing.

"What would you listen to?"I asked.

"Anita Baker, Donna Summer, Diana Ross, New Edition, I'd even listen to your music sometimes."She shrugged.

"When your Control album came out, I was 19 but I still lived with my parents so I would have to sneak and listen to it in my car."She laughed.

"Once I was old enough and in college I was happy, because I wasn't under their roof anymore."She chuckled.

"You went to college?"I asked, I had become even more interested in this conversation than I was before.

Hearing her talk was like listening to my favorite vinyl. It sounded like music, so rhythmic and sensual. It was like she was made to be a singer.

"Yeah. You didn't?"She asked.

"No, unfortunately I wasn't presented with that opportunity once I graduated high school."I sighed.

"Soo how did you start singing?"I changed the subject.

"In church. I was in the choir me and all my sisters. My mother would make us practice all day and night. We didn't have a choice to not sing. I didn't mind because I loved it, I can't say the same for my sisters though."She laughed.

"That sounds familiar."I chuckled.

"Funny story. My mother was so strict we would called her Joe Jackson and sense her maiden name was Jackson we would joke and say they were distant cousins."she smiled, as if she were reminiscing.

I faked laughed, because I didn't really find that funny but I brushed it off.

"How do you feel about being famous so far?"I asked, changing the subject once again.

"It's something I have to get used to. It's weird when people are always staring at me and coming up to me you know? It's like oh yeah they know me."She laughed.

"You'll get used to it sooner than you think."I added in.

"I really hope so. It's make so uncomfortable sometimes."She chuckled.

"Oh it's always going to be uncomfortable. I'm 27 and it's still uncomfortable to me."I laughed.

"Wow you're 27? I thought you were like 24."She laughed.

"Nope. I'll actually be 28 soon."I chuckled, sipping my water again.

The table became silent and we just looked at each other. She started to drink her coffee finally.

She had been talking so much that she hadn't even looked at it. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't cold by now.

I really enjoyed speaking to her, I liked. She's a bit talkative, but I like her.

"I have to get back to the studio soon."She said lowly, breaking the silence.

"Oh okay, well I'll let you go."I responded, grabbing my purse off of the table.

We started to part ways when I thought of something.

"Hey Toni."I called her.
"Yeah?"She turned around slowly.

"Are you busy Friday?"I asked.

"I don't think so. Why?"she asked.

"Wanna goto a movie premiere?"I asked.

"Not like together though, I'm inviting you as a friend. You know just to come."I added.

"Sure. I'd love that. Just let me know the time and the place and I'm there."She smiled and walked across the street back to her session.

Finally I walked out of the restaurant and back to my car. I had a really good time talking to her. I told her that I was inviting her as a friend, because even though I like her, I can't go public with her.

I don't think that's something I could do. Just imagine the things that people would say about me. About her.

Plus she's just started her career, that would be horrible for her.

And I don't think I'm ready to be serious with anyone anyway, I'm just living my life.

I sat in traffic for a least an hour before arriving at my house. I don't why I didn't go the same way I went when I came.

I picked me up a little something to eat before heading home, that cafe didn't have any quality food.

Finally one I pulled up to my house, I noticed and unfamiliar matte black Cadillac in front of my house. I didn't have the slightest idea who it belonged to or why they were here.

I'm kind of scared to go up and see who it is, but Katherine ain't raise no bitch. So I pulled up on the side of the car, but I couldn't see because of the limo tinted windows.

I got out of my car and stood in front of the Cadillac, afraid of who might come out.

The door swung open and my eyes were met with a rather disgusting sight.

"What the hell are you doing here?"I scoffed, almost throwing my food.

I'm sorry if this chapter was boring! The heat is coming soon I promise.

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