night out

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When I woke up doing my morning routine. I went to school and it was normal. After school me and tt went to my house and starting packing for the weekend.

Me: so what should I wear tonight (holding a dress that haves ruffles and the other outfit is wearing a dark obey long sleeve that shows your stomach)

Tt: (confuse) so you just wearing an obey shirt?

Me: (sighs and puts the dress down) No I am wearing the obey shirt with some skinny jeans and my brown timberlands.

Tt: well I pick the obey outfit ... (smiles creepy) who you getting cute for?

Me: -_-

Tt: oh don't do too much

After I took me shower I put on my clothes. Then my lips gloss and a little eyeliner my dad always say "good made you beautiful just the way you are you don't need make up" plus some girls belooking like clowns (Lynette)

Me: how I look

Tt: sexy ;)

Me: thanks. Wanna take a pic?

Tt: best friend style?

Me: you know it.

We booth stand in a mirror and made a pose and took a pic we post it on insta and by 5 minutes we had 50 likes.

Dad: Rose come on! (Yells from down stairs)

Me: ok daddy

Tt: (smirks)

Me: come on (irritated)

When we got our stuff in the car we got in and drove to camp. It took 20 minutes and then we got there

Tt: see ya Mr.j (grabbing her stuff)

Me: (grabbing my stuff) see ya daddy (kiss his cheek)

Dad: see ya baby be good (drives off)

We took are stuff to the cabin and told the leader we be roller skating. Then we met up with chresanto and them.

Tt: hey roc!

He turns around and smiled and waves us to come on. When we finally got to then Lynette look at me

Lyn: what she doing?

Roc: babe I invited now stop please (he kisses her)

Ray: any way are we going or naww

Roc: Ray where tiara?

Ray: she meet us there.. (looks at tt) aye t you rocking those red jeans

Tt: (giggles)

Prince: ok let's go! (Yelling from the car)

We all ran into the car

Ray: night out with my people's turn up!

Then we drove off

Me and you  ( A roc royal love story)Where stories live. Discover now