camp wtf!

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I know you probably think I am updating too much. but just trying to get much chapters done before I go back to school cause  Imma be real busy during the week :(



I packed my stuff up for camp and headed to my dad car. he drove me to the camp. and I said my goodbyes. when I got in camp we all had a meeting  went all eyes was on me then Chresanto grab my hand and sat me down next to him.

Campbell manger: we have a new boy camp leader (points to him)

Wtf! I grab chres arm

Roc: what? (Frowning and whispering)

Me: that man (whisper)

Roc : yea about him? (whisper)

Me: me and t know him (whisper)

Roc : ok? (whispers)

Me: he um (clears are throat) he me and t stalker

Roc: (ball fist)

Me: calm down (whisper)

Roc: how can I? (He said through his teeth)

Me: because that was five years go (whisper)

Roc : still a  use to paedophile here that stalk my girl and her best friend

Me: that was a long ago I can fight for myself plus he wouldn't gotten this job if he was still messing with girls and boys  remember back around check(whisper)

he still looked mad I try playing with his ear and making laugh but nope nothing budge

Me: meet me near the creek... just You?

he tense and clear his throat and laugh a little after that. Me and tt ran to each other

tt: you see him he back (a little)

Me: he ain't gonna do nothing were older plus we have our guys (smiling besides it's not like he remembers..(gco)

??: tt and Rosetta

Me and t: (holding each other screaming)

I turn around saw him

Me: (sighs) hi Kelvin  and it's Rosie or Rose

Kelvin: our are guys (smiles)

Me: good (smiling)

Kelvin: you girls beautiful I gotta go (starts walking)

tt: fuck you

kel: what was that? (stops)

I hit tt

Me: she says thank you (smiles)

when he left I told t to run to to Ray she did and I ran to chres I saw him throwing rocks

I grab his waist

Me: stop being mad I never saw this side of you

he still didnt answer I turn him around and started kissing his neck  and put my hands under his shirts feeling his torso he moan and smiled

Me: good (I stop)

Roc: you just teased (biting his lips)

Me: yes I do but we finish this later I talk to you tomorrow bye Rocky (kiss his cheeks)

Roc: did you..

but I was already away.


wait...wait.. she just called... never mind

the next I woke up and my leader  was in my face smiling

Kel: hi (smiling)

Me: what the fu.....(falls on to floor)

Kel: good hurry before you misses breakfast

he need going somewhere with his black ads shit lucky  Rosie stop me from being mad.

I lip on my black Nike slippers on and I slip on a t-shirt and  the learner was staring . I grimace left and out.

Sat down  at my food and then Rosie at my pjs bottom

Rose:aww they dinosaurs

I snook my hand between rose legs and jab her

Rose: (screams) Roc!

Me: so that gets you to say my name (flirting voice)

she just grab a piece of bacon and left

Me: (childish voice) hey!

after we finish are activities we gotten free time. Me and Rosie was playing football near the lake I saw  the learner still staring at me watching dam only one can watch and it's Rosie I over thrown the foot ball in landed in the lake 

Rose: (crosses arm) go get it

I sigh and took my shirt of then Rosie look she was about faint. but I went the lake

Me: (screams like a girl) its cold

Rose: (laughs) baby.. and what do you expect its march


I laugh at chres and he went in

Roc: come on its not that cold once you get use to it

Me: no -.-

Roc: help! (goes under water)

Me: stop chres!

Roc: (still under water)

Me: chresanto?

I walked to edge of the dock

I look close then chres pop out causing falling in he grab me by my waist

Me: why would you it's... f-f-fucking cold (shakes cause it's cold)

Roc: calm down (laughs)

Me: no (hits him)

then he kisses me then I kiss back. I could feel him grinding on me

Roc: moan for me

the kiss my neck and I let a little moan then...

??: (clear throats)

chres stop

Roc: oh hi  Kel (smiling)

I looked him like we in trouble but we wasn't he just told us to get out

he looked me but mostly smiling at rock

kel: I just want to get this out Roc from when started  working I could not takes my eyes off you  (walk away) don't worry I won't bother you no more (laughs)

Me: what the fuck! (laughing hard) oh forgot he went to jail for five Years (laughing)

Roc: it's not funny (pick me up bridal style)

Me: (stops dying laughing) baby no (sounds innocent)

he runs me and him ended in the water to

Roc: baby yes (kisses me)


ok now that's was funny I really I can add tomorrow but if not look forward for on Friday

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