savior (finial chapter)

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I open my eyes and Mike was on the ground shot. I turn around saw tt and Ray and morg and prod Chloe and Prince running to me. the cops and ambulance was here. I cried into Ray chest while everyone just hug trying to get me away from Roc. I saw they put in there while zipping up Mike in a bag.  I saw Chloe with 2 cuts one on her lip and other near an eye same with Prince.

me: how'd? I thought you guys were dead.?

tt: I little in a head can't hurt me

Ray: but it can hurt the baby (rubbing tt stomach)

tt: it's fine her or he can handle it.

Chloe: well (hugging Prince side while walking)  somebody tackle sending us down a hill but in saving way.

Prince: welcome bar (pecking her lips)

morg: well I can survive any thing

prod: pshhhh I saved if I didn't grab you and jump out the car and save us.

morg: oh really... we can settle this by arm wrestle

prod: are bet!

morg smiled and peck prod lip

morg: thanks bae

me: would I do with out you guys

we all laugh and walked home but I still worried for chres.

(2 months later)


dad: ok.. make sure you all wear something niece.

my dad was sweating us to rear something nice. so I put my hair in and ponytail. I pushed only silk while dress it wasn't tight but it stop to my knees. I put on my white  flip flops and wrap and. hot pink string around my waist and but my cross earrings on. then I put some make up on. I was still feeling down cause Roc but I know how to hide it. I walked out and my dad saw me

dad: cheer you never something good might happen.

me: every one keep saying that.

walked in car and choke side hug me and smiled.

me: what?

Chloe: nothing

when we got to church we praised and singed and listen the to my dad preaching. then when it was over. but my dad talk


my baby girl been through so much but today it's changes. trust me took me a month to think of this. but I prayed God talk to me and said give it a chance


dad: we have little treat you

the song I got to the Rock came on.

prodigy came out singing the first verse. after that   morg,Ray, Prince, and tt came out singing the chorus.

then I heard and unfamiliar voice come out singing the second verse. but that person wasn't on  stage I looked at tt and she pointed behind me. I turn around and my eyes widen its was Roc. he looked new he had a white shirt and a Jean jacket and he had some blue Jean and some timberlands boots on. he came closer to me  and  smiled and went to the stage and sang. after the church was over I went over to meet some one who coming to see their new home. then Roc came to Mr I hugged him and I didn't want to let go.

me: (crying ) is this real?

Roc: (laughs) yea

me: but how?

Roc parted from the hug and tip my head to his

Roc: don't worry... tell you later

me: ok (smiled)

Roc: I love you so  much

me: I love you to like you said me and you

Roc: yeah me and you... I want you to be mine

me: (frown) I am yours

Roc: no (gets on one knee and pulls out a box)

my eyes widen

me: um

Roc: Will you Marry me or at least think about it.

I smiled.

me: no..(smiled)

his face was in question

me: (laughs) you didn't let me doh yes I wanna marry you.

he smiled and kissed me I smiled bet the kiss he did to.

??: (clear throat) sorry to interrupt

Roc wrap his hands behind me

me: it's ok... who you looking for.

she was a business women.

??: yes I'm marry  Kelly from the for the adoption

Roc: yea?

Mary: the papers Ms.Jackson filled. for Daisha

he looked at me

me: I adopted Diggy and Lyn girl

Roc: ?

I hit him

me: they sacrifice they're life for us...I at least want to return a favor a raise they daughter to people Lyn a Diggy know

Roc: you are too good...

marry:  she in the car she'll stay with you for a week to see how things is.

Roc: bring her out

she went to car and grab a little girl.

she had  Brown curly hair  she is light skin with light brown eye's

I bent down so did  Roc.

me: hi

she wave to me and roc wave back.

Daisha: are you my mowmy and daddy I heard of ywu but ....didn't see ywu before

me: um..

I looked up at  marry and she gave the don't say no face.

me: yes

Roc: huh?

I hit him

Roc: oh oh oh yeah.

she ran and gave us a hug and  Roc pick her up.

marry: I talk to you soon

then she left

tt: hey girl

tt came up to me and looked at Daisha.

tt: who she?

me: (laugh) are daughter

tt: oh the one you adopted ...she so cute.

Roc: and she said Yess

tt: yay yay I gonna plan..(gco)

morg: (ghetto voice) hold! up! hold up! I be dam if  tt gonna be the only one to plan the wedding shit I gonna plan

we all laugh and so did Daisha.. I looked roc was there with me every step of the way. so did my friends but Now face 2 more responsible  a daughter and a life could never been happy.


,thanks for readers I appreciate everything ..............

............but if you think it's the end your wrong this book has sequel !! it's lets stay together and also like my new book no one...  it's a Diggy Simmons love story.

thanks and stay

New :-)

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