2 months anniversary pt 1

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(last update till Friday :( )


I woke up smiling cause today is the day

mom: well someone in the good mood (pulling my blinds up)

Me: morning mom (getting of bed)

I got to the bathroom and wash my face a brush my teeth. then I went back to my roombthinking of what I gonna wear.

me: hmm (taps chin)

then it came to Me I put on a white tank top then some deodorant. then I put on pink skinny jeans with a pink hoodie (not like those  hoodie you use during jogging) a hoodie that show your stomach and on the front it says pink. I put on some white tennis shoes and then put on some make up.

I grab my the present its was band that said " you Roc my world" (hey it may not be oh snapps I look fly but hell with it) and I put it in my book bag and waited for tt to pick me up.

tt: Heyyyyyyy (smiling)

me: hey t look what I got (showed)

tt: aww he gonna love it

when we got the school I ran to roc locker and kissed him

Roc: hi Rosie

me: hey chresanto close your eye's

Roc: why? (Frowning)

tt: just d...(gco)

me:  wait... Roc what's today?

Roc: Tuesday

me: and?? (raising a brow)

tt: uh oh -_-

Roc: and???

me: (smack lips)  figures(nodding) here and think about when you don't get a word or peak from me to day (shoving  a box to him) bye!! (walks always)


what the hell? what's her problem

me: what's wrong with her?

tt: Bitch it y'all anniversary (smacking his head)

me: o.O

tt: Wow ( shaking her head walking away)

I open the box and  it was a band it was a  saying "you Roc my world"

me: shit (banging on the locker)


dam Roc messed that up  you know how us girls get about our anniversary

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