lovin it (tt voice)

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I was  in the hospital finally with my clothes. waiting for the doctors to say something. tt and Ray was checking on Morgan and prod. a doctor came to he look like he was in his mid 40. I saw the name tag his was doctor Gary

Dr.g: he ok but luckily you push the knife in more further (looks at clip board) he only has one stitch you may go see him.

me: thanks

I went to the room saw him  laying down.

me: hey (smiling)

Roc: hey (smiling)

he got and set up on the side of the bed I set beside.

Roc: look I rose I know these last to da..(gco)

I cut him of hugging I just needed to be in his arms

me: thanks (still in hug but looked at him)

Roc: I promise you rose no body gonna hurt you

me: I get it you do the protecting (laughs)

Roc smiled a  kissed he bit my lip for a opening and slip his tongue in my mouth. but this time it was sloppy he moan into my mouth and moan into his. we was like this for five minutes the we parted for breath. he was smiling to  and I blush.

tt: well it's about time (laughs)

me: well see you later (hugging him

Roc: bye (smiling)

(2 days later)

I was sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream talking to tt.

tt: girl  yass

me: so that's why you haven't been talking to him (eating a spoon of ice cream)

tt: yup but let's talk about you and roc have y'all Ya know (devilish smile)

me: (laugh) no and I'm not ready kinda I wanna wait till get married

tt: aww and that might be chresanto

me: maybe but...n at the same time I don't want to be boring to him.

tt: there's always called oral sex (looking on her phone)

me: t! (frowning)

tt: what or just can give him a hand job

I gave real serious face. she looked at me

tt: oh don't do to much I'm just giving idea and at this age it's normal

me: sucking some one Johnson I don't think my mom did something like that

tt: did you ask her (looking from her phone)

me: I don't know

tt: that's the point she probably gave your dead  head.

me: oh my (laughs) gosh you wild but maybe I try something.

then I heard a door bell.

me: I got it Chloe! (Yelling) wonder who that could be.

tt: I don't know (snickering )

me: -.- uh huh

tt: just get the dam door

I open the door and I saw Prince and Ray and chres.

Ray: ate we gonna turn up or naw

Roc: hey babe (kiss my cheek)

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