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I woke up in Ray arms and I smile. thinking of Ray how sweet he help my bestfriend and my little hard headed ass friend Roc with their anniversary. I woke getting into the shower. then   I got out doing my other hygiene stuff. then I put on my red and white Ralph Lauren  shirt and my red skinny jeans and red and white Jays on. then I left my hair out putting on only a little make up. I walked out the bathroom into the room seeing Ray up

Ray: you couldnt wait for me (whined)

me: no it's called you worn me out  with 7 rounds

I kissed his lip and headed for the door.

Ray: where you going?

me: Rosie's


I woke up comfortable then I heard tt  said bye to Ray. so that mean I'm not at home oh boy. I turn around and talk to roc shaking him

me: Roc I gotta head home

roc: no.. stay

me: I got to (tryna to get out his grip:

roc: I won't see you until later (eyes half open)

me: you won't see me today or probably a month if I don't get home

he open his eyes and put his shoes on

me: no lay down and go to  sleep (kiss his forehead and layed my hand oh his shoulder making him lay down)

I walked out the door feeling happy today. but tt was far gone to give me a ride. so I put my hair in a ponytail and stretched and I ran home. it was only a thirty minute walk but if I ran it'll be quick. when I finally got home I caught my breath good thing I had my running shoes on. I grab my keys slowly enter the house and lightly closing the door then....

??: (clear throat)

me:(gasp) Chloe

Chloe: Wow you are  lucky mom and dad getting ready upstairs (arms crossed)

me: (sigh in relief) thanks for covering for me

Chloe: no problem....but?

me: but....? but what? (sounding irritated)

Chloe: but (laughs) but my birthday coming up so you gotta....(eyes sudden and came close)

me: what? (backing away)

then she grab my arm and pulled me into the  down stairs bathroom

Chloe: look at you neck (points at it in the mirror)

I agape  and rub my neck. aww he gave me a hickey

dad: Rose come out here

me: what I do (whined)

Chloe: here (rubbing toothpaste to cover it)

me: the HELL toothpaste?

Chloe: ayeee it's either this or dad finding out about how you  let a boy give u a hickey

dad: Rosie! don't make me say your full name

me: coming daddy! (Yelling)

I ran to him

dad: me and your mother will be gone for a week or 2 after Chloe birthday party and I will need you two to be ok while I'm gone. Mrs. Harris will check on you.

seriously dad she a cold blood one noise,one eye, little I am a vegetarian, cold snitch

me: ok

dad: ok (kiss my face) have a good day.

hey walks away then stops

dad: why is tooth paste on your neck?

Chloe: oh they said to getting rid of  pimples just use toothpaste.

dad just shook his head and walked out.

me: getting rid of pimples? (wincing at her)

Chloe: what?....oh just thank me

me: thanks..... (smile) sis

Chloe: you.... welcome sis (winks)


I know this was kinda boring but I update later hopefully

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