no! pt 2

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(so I gave me iPod a break and I doing this on me phone and thus chapter a few is tensed)


ok it's been really fun with  Diggy he carries the boxes  up stairs and he hits Me with towel and it hit him back.

Me: ok I think that's the last (looks at phone) and thanks to you I have a hour to what do you want to do

Diggy: hang here? (smiling)

me: ok (frowns) what do you want to talk about I mean we do need to catch up. (my hands in my back pockets)

Diggy: so.... first question do you have a boyfriend

dam Diggy

me: um I did but not no more

Diggy: not be nosey but he do

me:  (laugh sarcastically) what he do? it's what did I do and I lied and there again he cheated.

Diggy: oh sorry (holding me hand while walking)

me: it's ok (crying)

Diggy: don't cry (hugs me)

me: I can't take this no more (hugs back)

Diggy: wanna  do what we use that time when we was both said.

me: (frowning) what?

he smashed his lips on me I frozen and remember we did this when i was like 11 and he was 13. he lick my lips to give him and entrance and somehow I feel for it he explore my mouth. I kissed back he just made me happy. then I stop cause I just got out and relation ship  I parted and fake smiled

me: let's play hide and seek you it

Diggy: (chuckle) ok  but stay on the second  floor

me: ok (running)


I was on the bed chilling   with ray and I was nauseous again damit I ran into bath to the throwing up. I my gosh please stop with please

Ray: babe what's going on do you have the flu

me: no

Ray: then what is it

me: if I tell you gonna get mad

Ray: I  won't baby (grabbing her hands) please (kissing me)

we parted.

me: Ray (sighs) I'm i-i I'm pregnant

Ray: (gasp) WTF! (TEARING UP)

I know this nigga is not tearing up

Ray: how long? (sniffing)

me: about a mouth next week will be two

Ray: why didn't you tell me! (yells)

me: you said you wouldn't get mad (walking away) if you don't the baby then where done

Ray: (grabs my arm) wait I'm not mad I'm that we creating life I'm mad you don't tell me (crying) you should of told me so I can get things ready.

me: I'm sorry (hugging him) we will get through this I'll tell my parents

Ray: no don't  be (hugging back)   and I call my parents to (sniffs and rubs my belly) so is it a boy or girl

me: I don't know but we can find out maybe after 3 months starts

Ray: good (kisses me)

I kissed back gently urge me to the bed he started biting my lip in  and slip his tongue in my mouth. I moan into his mouth and he grunted are tongue started to battle but I parted

me: ate we suppose to do this while pregnant

Ray: don't worry I will be care

me: ok (smiles pulling him into a kiss but sees phone flashes)

I went go it was a voice mail from Rose

(voice mail)

ROSE: no stop I can't do this (moan)

??: come on just please

ROSE: (moan) no!

click sounds

??: I guess I have to make you feel good in another...get ready to this D (flirtatious voice)

rose: (gasp)  ouch!


oh my gosh what happened  was rose actually this time getting the D


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