oh snap!

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(it's late I'm tired here you go)


Mike: strip!

I just stood there and look at prod in my head saying get up.

Mike: did you hear me (smacks)

Morgan: don't hit her like that

Mike: am I talking to you?!

I don't get it Morgan looks like she would fight and kill a nigga if she would.

Mike: I just help you (smiling)

he started kissing my neck  please!! no. I started moving my hands to push him off but he grab it and push it behind me back. I grunted  and

moan shit he  found  me spot. he stop and looked at me  with lust. then turn to Morgan and kissed she look like she didn't wanna kiss back. so inch closer to the door but..

Mike: you go out the door I  shoot her (holds gun to Morgan)

Morgan: go Ro I have no family

he looked at me with a face like he really gonna do it.

me: Mike what happen to you? I thought you like my sister.

Mike: you kidding your sis is only the half your the full

me: excuse  me how dare you insult my sister like that!

Mike: shut up (he drag the up) and take them off!

I took my clothes off and took my hair out of the ponytail. then I saw a blotch in his pants.

Mike: (to Morgan ) you move mind well say you dead

he came to me  drop his gun and started un button his shirt  and took it off. I told  Morgan to go and she creep out the door. I smiled to my self. oh tt and roc where you guys.

I looked at his body and kiss it just to by more time.

Mike: (moan) Rose don't tease baby (slammed  me against the wall)

he kissed my lips and grinding and and started going fast. I thought about Roc and I tried to makes Mike stop.

me: stop

Mike: it's only gonna hurt for 5 minutes 

me: (tearing up) no stop

then a wooden stick went across his face

Morgan: you  didn't think I be that person to leave you did you?

me: (smiling) a little

Morgan: go call the police while I help  hot head up stairs.

me: ok

I ran up stairs


I grab Mr. hot head who kinda cute. but then some ran into me and started choking  me my sight faded. I couldn't breath and nothing I thought I was gone until...

??: let her go man (pushing Mike)

Mike let me go and I drop to the floor coughing.

??: you ok

my sight came back in  it was Mr. hot head he help me up.

me: thanks

prod: no problem...(gco by getting hit by a wooden stick)

and he hit me and I black out I hope Ro got out safe.


I stop in front of the house and got out the car

tt: you could've got us killed fool

Ray: wait wait wait

me: what?

Ray: we need to think of a plan

me: ok what?.... (hears screaming  in the house)


I ran to the phone  and dial 911

women: 911 what's your emergency

me: a person is trying...(gco by being grab by the hair)

I scream then was being thrown to the floor

I got quickly and smash my lips into his and rub my hands on his private then two his back pocket and grab the knife he slap me on the floor.

Mike: I love rose your mine

??: wrong she's mine

I looked and saw Roc

me: Rocky! (Smiling)

Roc: I here for you babe

Mike tackle Roc but Roc grab him and arm locked  him

Roc: what are you going to do with a six teen year old girl huh (laughing)

the Nike but him a punch and kept punching him wow what a Bitch move

Mike: not much talk let's see how your girl likes her boy get fucked up  by a fifteen year-old. I  grab the knife off the floor and ran into Mike with my eyes closed I heard a grunt and I open it I accidentally stab Roc.

me: no no no (tearing up)


night people

Me and you  ( A roc royal love story)Where stories live. Discover now